
World War I

The blessed gift of good-hearted neighbours
Tony Wright’s Column

The blessed gift of good-hearted neighbours

Good neighbours are a treasure, as a group of countrymen proved to my grandfather in his time of need after World War I.

  • by Tony Wright


Not all plain sailing in God’s country
Column 8

Not all plain sailing in God’s country

Maybe it’s time to quit jibing in clubland.

Pigeon sleepovers, margarine models and human remains: The true history of the Shrine

Pigeon sleepovers, margarine models and human remains: The true history of the Shrine

A new graphic narrative tells little-known yarns about the Shrine of Remembrance.

  • by Carolyn Webb
Why a silent prayer at the grave of someone I never met was so exquisitely meaningful

Why a silent prayer at the grave of someone I never met was so exquisitely meaningful

Our commemorations for the dead take us inevitably into the extraordinary and unknowable.

  • by Jane E Sullivan
Wildfires across Turkey threaten Anzac graves on Gallipoli peninsula

Wildfires across Turkey threaten Anzac graves on Gallipoli peninsula

At the site where an Allied landing was beaten back by Ottoman troops in 1915, the flames reached Canterbury Cemetery, where 22 soldiers from New Zealand are interred.

  • by Rob Harris
‘My beautiful boy’: The diary of a heart broken at Fromelles

‘My beautiful boy’: The diary of a heart broken at Fromelles

Frontline nurse Alice Ross-King’s World War I diaries tell of a great love - and a dreadful tragedy.

  • by Tony Wright
He died 106 years ago, but in one French village they’ll never forget this Australian Olympian

He died 106 years ago, but in one French village they’ll never forget this Australian Olympian

Cecil Healy died the day after the battle of the Somme was won. More than a century later, his legacy for bravery and sportsmanship live on in Australia and France.

  • by Rob Harris
Flea market find: WWI postcards revive Indigenous soldier’s heroism

Flea market find: WWI postcards revive Indigenous soldier’s heroism

Charlie Runga was awarded a prestigious Military Medal for two heroic actions in one day in 1918.

  • by Carolyn Webb
The great Australian war stories that didn’t actually happen

The great Australian war stories that didn’t actually happen

In his new book, Mark Dapin demonstrates that the truth and war are uncomfortable partners.

  • by Edmund Goldrick
Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

While some may view the Labor pledge of caucus solidarity as a quaint anachronism, it remains the bedrock on which Labor has built a reputation as a stable party of reform and progress.

Why can’t the world’s peacekeeper stop the fighting in Gaza and Ukraine?

Why can’t the world’s peacekeeper stop the fighting in Gaza and Ukraine?

Two regional conflicts are threatening global peace. Could the United Nations step in – and, if so, why hasn’t it?

  • by Angus Holland

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