
Column 8


Ditching the rivalry

For trans-Tasman goodwill.



Updated product lacks polish

We didn’t even know the kiwi was threatened.


Rupe’s a shoe-in for best-dressed

While The Donald goes ga-ga 68 years too late.


Kitchen counterfeiters overstay their welcome

Time to quit mocking about.


Enough with the hot cross puns

It might be time to shelve them.


Orange is the new All Black

It’s the Emperor vs the emperors.


Will the Donald consider the apple of his isle?

“We have to build a seawall. We have no choice!”


Slugging for the masses

And the myth of mock quinces.


Straining to fathom water filters

Overall, it’s a bit of a dampener.


Getting in a flap over hibiscus sabdariffa

At a nice spread in the Northern Rivers.

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