

The study found women were less likely to have children if their mothers had not reached pension age, but the timing of their father’s retirement had no impact on starting a family.

The grandma penalty: Women delay families when their mothers keep working

Government leg-ups help, but the high cost of formal childcare in Australia meant the availability of family members to babysit was still important.

  • Millie Muroi


London Lord Mayor Alastair King is in Australia to learn more about the $4 trillion super sector.

Despite scandals, the UK still wants to copy Australia’s super scheme

Despite its issues, Australia’s compulsory superannuation system is still hailed as a poster child, and has again caught the attention of the United Kingdom.

  • Sumeyya Ilanbey
Experts warn lower home ownership rates will make poverty among retirees worse in coming decades.

Boomers are enjoying their retirement – unless they’re renting

Even as the richest generation, two-thirds of Baby Boomer retirees who rent are living in poverty – and the housing crisis will make it worse for future generations.

  • Millie Muroi
Putting your inheritance somewhere it can’t easily be accessed – such as superannuation – could be a good move.

Do you have enough super to retire? You may need less than you think

Compared to 2022, Australians think they need 20 per cent more in their nest egg to quit work. But new estimates show many may overestimate the amount needed.

  • Cindy Yin
A tax imbalance in your relationship doesn’t have to sink your retirement.

I pay more tax than my husband. Will that affect our pension?

There are numerous factors for couples to consider when they start to get towards pensionable age.

  • Noel Whittaker

Don’t worry, you’ll have enough in retirement … with one big proviso

Those retiring in coming years – particularly those who own their own home – won’t just be comfortable, they’ll be rolling in it.

  • Ross Gittins
Rising markets can cause problems when it comes to calculating your pension.

Our $900,000 share portfolio keeps rising. How do we save our pension?

Changing how your furniture is valued can give you a bit of wriggle room when it comes to calculating your pension.

  • Noel Whittaker
Each year Australians collectively miss out on $3 billion in pension entitlements, and there’s no way to get that money back.

Putting off applying for the pension? It could cost you $20,000

Australians miss out on $3 billion in pension entitlements every year - and there’s no way to get that money back.

  • Kaye Fallick
Early inheritances are well and good, but make sure you don’t regret gifting away money you might have actually needed.

Thinking of gifting the grandkids some money? Check this first

While the intention of gifting is often to help family members, you need to make sure that you don’t rob Peter to pay Paul.

  • Rachel Lane
Real Money newsletter older investment elderly super annuities annuity dividends generic

Over 70? It’s not too late to sort out your finances

Conventional wisdom says to build a nest egg as early as possible, but good financial planning is just as important after retirement.

  • Dominic Powell

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