This 19-year-old says with hard work, he’ll buy a home in Brighton soon. But for an unpaid performer, the Australian dream is distant
The Age invited a diverse group of young Melburnians to discuss the housing crisis. Some see hard work as a path to buying a home, while others point to the need for more subsidised housing and better transport links.
- Angus Delaney
Jeff lived with his mates. Then a developer bought his home, and he has no-one left
Two Paddington boarding houses are the site of a lost battle to stop a developer evicting residents to build luxury housing.
- Sue Williams
Landlords could once increase rents 20 per cent a year. That’s changed
Despite more properties being available for rent in February than the previous month, experts say it’s still a landlord’s market.
- Alice Uribe and Elizabeth Redman
Flemington and North Melbourne towers to be redeveloped with no public housing
The new developments will have community and “affordable” housing, but none of it will be state run.
- Rachael Dexter and Cara Waters
‘I thought we’d look after people’: 60,000 homes needed for vulnerable Victorians
Advocate Cory Memery says the government can’t “wash its hands” of vulnerable Victorians, and that any new investment – like the $30 billion build recommended by Infrastructure Victoria – should be for state-managed public housing.
- Rachel Eddie
For rent? Or room-only? Vacancy rate data questioned as WA rental crisis shows signs of easing
Three quarters of affordable rental properties in Perth aren’t even for a house or an apartment – it’s a bedroom only.
- Sarah Brookes
‘Hanging on with fingernails’: How much you need to earn to get a home
Home borrowers can breathe slightly easier since last month, but advocates warn that the situation for many renters is now dire.
- Emily Power
Rates fall, house values lift and rents start to ease
The RBA’s first rate cut in almost five years has put a floor under the nation’s property market, but rents continue to ease.
- Shane Wright
- Opinion
- Planning
How a ham and cheese toastie could upend the state’s planning laws
The Victorian government insists its changes to planning laws won’t change heritage overlays. This is partly true. It’s also disingenuous.
- Chip Le Grand
- Opinion
- Retirement living
Just how bad is it to retire with a mortgage?
There’s a fierce debate about how much money you really need to retire comfortably, but less is said about how the status of your home affects this.
- Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
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