

‘Unreserved and sincere’: Guy Grossi apologises after groping allegation

By Charlotte Grieve and Ellen Fraser

Guy Grossi has issued an apology in response to a claim he groped a female journalist at a restaurant industry event.

Guy Grossi has issued an apology in response to a claim he groped a female journalist at a restaurant industry event.Credit: Chris Hopkins

A Herald and Good Food investigation reveals a top Sydney restaurant group allegedly ousted female staff after they reported sexual assaults and encouraged on-duty sex and drug use.See all 25 stories.

Celebrity chef Guy Grossi has issued an “unreserved and sincere” apology in response to a claim he groped a female journalist at a restaurant industry event.

The alleged incident is said to have occurred in 2022 at an event in Melbourne attended by more than 100 top chefs and hospitality leaders.

A senior food and wine journalist claims that about 10.30pm, Grossi, who co-owns Grossi Florentino and is one of Australia’s most prominent restaurateurs, put his arm around her, stared at her cleavage and then grabbed her right breast without consent.

Melbourne’s Grossi Florentino.

Melbourne’s Grossi Florentino.

This masthead has agreed not to name the woman to protect her privacy and high profile in the industry.

In response to questions about the incident, Grossi said he had a different recollection of the night and denied touching the woman’s breast.

He also said, in a statement issued by his lawyers, that he did not wish to discredit the woman. He did not provide an alternative version of events.


Grossi’s statement said he was “mortified” by the allegations and “devastated to know that any of my actions” caused disrespect.

“I unreservedly and sincerely apologise ... for that,” he said in the statement issued by defamation lawyers at firm HWL Ebsworth.

That same night, Grossi was standing near a second, more junior journalist from the same publication and allegedly touched her breast without consent, in what was described as an “intentional accident”.

Claims about the two alleged incidents were supported by the accounts of five people.

“If I could have taken a photo of myself at the time, my jaw would have been on the ground. What is actually happening right now?” said the witness to the second incident, who declined to be named for fear of harming their restaurant’s business.

Grossi admitted the second incident occurred but disputed it was intentional. He said he was “inadvertently bumped from behind and propelled forward” and “made contact” with the woman before apologising immediately to her on the night.


“I always act with warmth, kindness and positivity, and I am mortified by allegations I would act inappropriately,” he said. “Such behaviour is simply not within my character.”

The publication that employs both journalists stopped reviewing Grossi’s restaurants and no longer invites him to events as a result of these alleged incidents, according to internal correspondence seen by this masthead.

Over a months-long investigation, this masthead interviewed more than 30 former employees at Grossi restaurants around the country. Many of these former staff describe him as “hard-working”, “passionate” and “a great leader”.

Guy Grossi (right) drinking wine at one of his Bourke Street restaurants on December 3.

Guy Grossi (right) drinking wine at one of his Bourke Street restaurants on December 3.Credit: The Age

However, through these interviews, the investigation also uncovered allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Grossi towards female staff.

Eight women described personal experiences of sexualised conduct by Grossi, including three alleged experiences of inappropriate touching and five women who allegedly experienced inappropriate comments. These allegations include a comment about a waitress’s breasts and an incident in which another waitress claimed Grossi touched her thigh while he was intoxicated.

In response, a letter from Grossi’s lawyers did not address many of the specific claims but broadly denied the allegations, which he described as vague, without merit and contrived.


“I have always been committed to creating a positive and respectful culture in all our restaurants and with our staff, and more broadly with everyone who works in the hospitality industry. Anyone who knows me and my family and our business knows this to be true,” Grossi said.

The revelations come as the hospitality industry faces a cultural reckoning, with investigations published by this masthead revealing allegations of sexual abuse and harassment across two of the nation’s largest hospitality groups, Swillhouse and Merivale.

This masthead is not suggesting Grossi’s behaviour is equivalent to allegations revealed in those investigations. But as one of the industry’s most powerful and influential figures, experts say he should be held to a high standard.

“Until recently, people in positions of power have been able to do or say whatever they want, whether or not women feel uncomfortable,” hospitality culture advocate Jamie Bucirde said.

“That hasn’t mattered until now. We need leaders to stand up and say this culture is toxic and dangerous for women. How do we change this industry so people feel safe at work?”

Building the Grossi empire

Guy Grossi is one of Australia’s most accomplished and celebrated chefs, known for his hatted restaurants, best-selling cookbooks, appearances on popular television show MasterChef and sponsorship by the Australian Open.


The G Grossi Family Trust now owns 19 business names including venues along the prized strip on Bourke Street, such as Florentino, Ombra, Grill, Cellar Bar and Arlechin. More recently, Grossi’s footprint has moved around the country, his having opened Garum in Perth and Settimo in Brisbane.

Grossi, 59, is an influential voice in Australia’s hospitality scene and employs more than 120 people across his venues. He uses this influence in politics too, having recently campaigned against a state government-proposed medically supervised injecting centre.

In media interviews, Grossi regularly praises his staff as an essential component of his success.

Former hospitality worker Jamie Bucirde, now an advocate for safe workplaces, says celebrity chefs need to be held to a higher standard.

Former hospitality worker Jamie Bucirde, now an advocate for safe workplaces, says celebrity chefs need to be held to a higher standard. Credit: Wayne Taylor

“I think Guy is a great leader, hard-working individual, hands-on, has worked very hard to build up what he’s built,” said one long-term male colleague.

“If you go in on Monday morning, you’ll find Guy in the kitchen putting stock away. He definitely leads by example, I do like that about him.”

But a waitress at Florentino from 2010-13 described him as a “complicated personality” who was “volatile” and ran the restaurant as a “kind of dictatorship”.


“He would drink a lot … There were looks, and comments made about your appearance or body or things like that,” she said.

“But then there were other times we’d have a great conversation, and he was a lovely man. So, it’s that Jekyll and Hyde kind of situation.”

Melissa Richardson, who worked closely with Grossi for years, said it was an open secret the celebrity chef was “touchy” and would “perv” on female staff and make inappropriate comments about their bodies.

“You would put it under sexual harassment, definitely,” she said. “No one ever said ‘boo’. You [felt like] you’d be out the door.”

The family bought Florentino, the Grossi restaurant empire’s crown jewel, in 1999. It is an institution of white tablecloths, 19th-century art, gold-trimmed ceilings and an elite guest list that includes prime ministers, rock stars and gangland figures.

The Grossis ruffled feathers when they took over 25 years ago by removing some conservative traditions, such as the requirement for jackets and a ban on female waitstaff.

Fourteen women who worked at Florentino over the past decade described it as “male-dominated”, “a man’s world” and “boys’ club” where gender-based discrimination takes multiple forms.

“All the women are called ‘Bella’. I thought it was endearing at first,” said one waitress, who left last year. “But then, I realised all the men were called their real names.”

Several waitresses say these double standards were amplified about a decade ago, when the women’s uniform changed from a white shirt and black pants to an evening dress designed by Australian fashion designer Leona Edmiston, and small black heels.

‘You would put it under sexual harassment, definitely. No one ever said “boo”. You [felt like] you’d be out the door. And you knew the reach he had in the hospitality industry. You wouldn’t be going anywhere else.’

Former bartender Melissa Richardson

Richardson said staff had to pay more than $150 for the shoes while the company covered the cost of the dress. She said both items “felt so traditional in a toxic way”.

“I was constantly up ladders, I was already highly sexualised there as it was. It had problems written all over it,” she said.

The new uniform led to a rise in sexual harassment by customers, according to three staff working there at the time, making the high-pressure job even harder. Grossi denies that allegation.

“Sexual harassment-wise came a lot from the customers because we were wearing those kind of dresses, they would have a few drinks, grab a bum, brush against the dress,” one woman said.

Grossi’s lawyers provided this photograph of the former uniforms worn by female staff.

Grossi’s lawyers provided this photograph of the former uniforms worn by female staff.

Another waitress said “running around” in the uniform was not tenable.

“The boys were in suits, appropriately covered and comfortable,” she said. “We weren’t protected from drunk customers, or even sober men, for that matter, propositioning us.”

She said the dress “clung to your body” and the wrap feature meant it came open. “If it got caught on the back of a chair, you were in your underwear. The world could see everything. Your butt, your bits. Everything.”

Others described injuries from the heeled shoes, including rolled ankles and a split head.

One woman said she strapped her feet each night to stop the bleeding and blisters. “They were the most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever worn in my entire life,” she said. “They were not appropriate for the job.”

Richardson said that shortly after the uniforms were introduced, complaints were raised but shut down after Liz Rodriguez, Grossi’s sister and the co-owner of Grossi Restaurants, spoke sternly to staff at a meeting, telling them they could be easily replaced.

Guy Grossi in the Grill restaurant at Florentino.

Guy Grossi in the Grill restaurant at Florentino.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

Grossi’s lawyers did not respond to questions about this incident, but the response by restaurant management was corroborated by three other staff members.

“We were basically told that it’s a uniform, and if you don’t like it – too bad,” said one woman. “They were hard-arses. The whole culture was, ‘If you don’t like it, no excuses, just keep working.’ They won’t listen to your concerns.”

Through lawyers, Grossi said the dresses were “chosen and implemented by female members of the team”. He said there was no record of any complaints.

“In any event, staff were free to wear white T-shirts underneath or cardigans or jackets over the top of these uniforms if they wished to.”

This claim was disputed by three women who worked there at the time. “I never heard that,” said one woman who worked at the venue for eight years, ending in 2013.

Richardson said she used a safety pin on the dress to cover her cleavage, which caught Grossi’s attention. “He came across one day and said ‘What’s with the pin? You’re covering the best bit’.”

Grossi denied making such a comment.

Today, women again wear white shirts and black pants, but there are claims that Grossi’s comments to female staff continued.

He was the executive chef of the now-closed Mirka in St Kilda, an Italian bistro underneath the Tolarno Hotel described in the press as a “welcoming family restaurant”.

“Generally, it wasn’t particularly a very great or safe place to work,” said one waitress employed there from 2013 to 2014.

The Mirka bistro in St Kilda.

The Mirka bistro in St Kilda.

Grossi sporadically attended Mirka, and the former waitress said he made inappropriate comments about female staff.

“You learn to put your skin up. You dissociate with whatever’s being said,” she said.

The former waitress said that one night after the restaurant had closed, staff were having a knock-off wine in the venue when Grossi made a comment about her breasts in front of the team.

“It was an off-handed remark about my chest, the size of it, because … ‘My mother gave me a bit to work with there’,” she said. “You just brush off on those – well, back then you did.”

The woman said Grossi’s behaviour was minimised as part of his personality and “Italian culture”, and his seniority meant she felt she could not complain.

“There was a power dynamic at play. Of course, you’re not going to call the owner of the company out in front of other people about comments about your chest … Back then, we just sucked it up.”

Another waitress who worked in the Bourke Street restaurants until October 2022 said Grossi regularly commented on her appearance.

“It’s very like, ‘You’re female, I’m male.’ He would make comments ... Sometimes uncomfortable comments ... Like, ‘Bella you’re so pretty, Bella, this’,” she said. “With Guy, it was, to me, he would say, ‘You look beautiful, Bella’, that sort of thing.”

Grossi said in his statement that it was his role to ensure “all staff are presentable”.

“It is not out of the ordinary for Mr Grossi to compliment staff (both male and female) on how they look. Mr Grossi strongly denies that he has ever done this in a sexual or inappropriate way.”

In February last year, Grossi launched his “love letter to the Amalfi Coast”, becoming a consultant to, and the face of, Settimo, a 150-seat restaurant at the Westin Brisbane.

“We call her Sophia Loren – it’s elegant, classy, but she’s a little bit cheeky too and that’s the style we’re going for,” Grossi told The Courier-Mail at the time.

Guy Grossi at Settimo in the Westin Brisbane.

Guy Grossi at Settimo in the Westin Brisbane.Credit: BEDA

One woman employed there for six months in 2023 said Grossi’s visits were difficult, as she claims he became intoxicated and behaved inappropriately.

“He would get drunk in the restaurant and cause scenes quite frequently, which was very difficult for the staff to handle, because the man who owns the restaurant and is paying our bills is also breaking several alcohol service laws,” she said.

During one of these visits in November, Grossi hosted a seafood dinner showcasing Queensland produce and invited members of the city’s media.

The woman said Grossi was “very lovely” at the start but “became more difficult” as the evening progressed. He started “paying me a lot more compliments” and “telling me that I looked very good in the uniform”, she said.

“At one point, he kind of, like touched the side of my thigh. That was kind of one [moment] where I had to step away and take a little break and ask one of my friends to keep an eye on them while I just kind of took a minute.”

The woman said it wasn’t the first time she had been touched by a customer, but she felt powerless because of Grossi’s status.

“It can be very difficult to want to step in and be like, ‘Hey, can you not speak to me like that? Can you not do that?’”

Through lawyers, Grossi did not address the specific thigh-touching allegation, but said he helped design the Settimo uniforms, of which he was “very proud”.

“As you will appreciate, the appearance of staff (both men and women) is a crucial element of any restaurant, let alone a fine dining restaurant like Settimo,” the statement said.

‘Not within my character’

Grossi declined multiple requests for an interview, and through lawyers said he “continues to categorically deny the balance of allegations”.

In his statement, Grossi said he is a “leader in the hospitality industry” and has “a responsibility to set a cultural standard”.

“I have always been committed to creating a positive and respectful culture in all of our restaurants and with our staff, and more broadly with everyone who works in the hospitality industry. Anyone who knows me and my family and our business knows this to be true.”

Some people interviewed as part of this investigation support this position.

One woman said she was “treated well” and “never felt unsafe”. Another said: “I knew if I brought something up, it would be taken seriously.”

Others described Grossi as a “lovely person”, “super supportive” and “absolutely amazing” to work for.

“They were there for me as a family,” one person said. “Hospitality life can be a bit of a tough industry. But they were very understanding. They were very lovely, always looked after me.”

Another woman who spent a decade working for the family witnessed Grossi “run through the restaurant in his underwear” and “slap [a manager] on the ass once”, but denied these actions were “malicious”.

“She [the manager] wasn’t offended by it, but what did that imply? She’s a senior member of staff, what does that say to the rest of the female staff members?”

The woman said Grossi was “a hugger” and regularly touched staff, which was “just poorly thought out” as opposed to intentional harassment.

“When Guy acted that way, he just had no f---ing understanding … Like a lot of men, white men, operate in the world. I just don’t think there was any conscious understanding that his actions would potentially be making someone else feel uncomfortable.

“That he was in a position of power and that people looked up to him. People were employed by him.”

For his part, Grossi’s statement included a desire to lift industry standards.

“A more inclusive hospitality industry will only occur through leadership and action, and I am committed to being part of that journey,” he said.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or Beyond Blue 1300 224 636.

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