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Housing crisis: Is talk of NIMBYs and council red tape a red herring?

Sally Edwards burst into tears when she opened an email from her real estate agent this week. But governments may be barking up the wrong tree on new housing.

By Rachael Dexter and Royce Millar

Renter and single Mum Sally Edwards received a 60-day notice of a $600 per month rent increase this week.

Renter and single Mum Sally Edwards received a 60-day notice of a $600 per month rent increase this week.Credit: Justin McManus

Sally Edwards burst into tears when she opened an email from her real estate agent this week.

It was notice of a $600-a-month rent increase for the North Melbourne flat the 40-year-old single mum shares with her 12-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter.

Under her new lease, monthly payments would rise by $600 to $2542. This, just a year after her last monthly rent increase of $150.


The final-year law student is at a loss. Her children are in local schools and moving to live in cheaper housing in the outer suburbs, without a car, is not workable.

Edwards receives an Austudy payment allowing her to work one day a week; more work would mean giving up her law degree, just as graduation is in sight.

“I don’t have the money to move,” says Edwards, who now eats two meals a day instead of three to save money. “I have no savings. I’m under duress and they [the agents] know I can’t say no.”


Edwards’ plight encapsulates the massive policy challenges facing the state and federal governments: how to address the worsening housing crisis while also planning for our fast-growing cities.

Scrambling for solutions, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and premiers including Daniel Andrews have reached for the lever of planning reform and the streamlining of approvals for multi-unit housing in the inner and middle suburbs.

It’s a response that coincides with an increasingly vocal chorus including property lobby groups, political strategists, a former Reserve Bank economist, and the newly formed local arm of the youth-led YIMBY (yes in my back yard) movement, who blame older, home-owning NIMBYs (not in my back yard) and their local councillors for the current housing misery.

Their message: get these NIMBYS, pesky councils and their silly planning rules out of the way and there will be more affordable housing in places where people want to live.

If only it were that simple.

As Edwards worries about her future in her North Melbourne home, 500 metres away is a disused warehouse sitting undeveloped despite being approved for a 177-dwelling apartment complex for at least five years.

Instead of building the apartments, the site’s former owners sold the site for nearly $30 million in 2021 – making a tidy $10 million profit.


Figures provided by the city council show that in the heart of Melbourne, where jobs, services and culture are plentiful, there are active permits for almost 100 such sites that have not been acted on – 118 residential buildings and almost 22,000 apartments where work has not commenced. At least half of the permits are more than two years old.

A former industrial site at 36-58 Macaulay Road in North Melbourne has had approved permits for around 200 dwellings since at least 2018, but no apartment building has been constructed.

A former industrial site at 36-58 Macaulay Road in North Melbourne has had approved permits for around 200 dwellings since at least 2018, but no apartment building has been constructed.Credit: Jason South

Nick Peden from commercial real estate company JLL, who managed the Macaulay Road sale, says it is not unusual for apartment developers with permits to delay construction or not build at all.

“The economic conditions at that point in time have a significant bearing on whether someone wants to proceed with a project or not,” he says.

Planning approval data from across the city raises questions about whether streamlining planning may be more political spin than practical solution.

And it raises difficult questions about what else needs to be done to accommodate the estimated 1 million new households the Andrews government says we will have to squeeze into existing suburbs by 2050.

“There is some myth-busting that needs to occur in relation to what is causing the housing affordability crisis,” says Melbourne’s Deputy Lord Mayor, Nick Reece.


“The simple lie being told is that it is all to do with local councils and NIMBYs. The complex truth is that there are a host of other factors which are causing a lack of new housing stock coming to market.”

The problem

Nationally, over the past three decades the proportion of homes owned outright has shrunk from more than 40 per cent to less than 30 per cent, while the proportion of rental properties has risen from about 27 per cent to 30 per cent.

In Melbourne, average rents for houses and apartments have climbed from $461 a week in June 2021 to $582 this month, according to SQM Research. Both Melbourne and regional Victoria’s vacancy rates sit below 1 per cent, the latest Domain data shows, while rents reached record levels in March.

Meanwhile, growth has continued on Melbourne’s fringes, where homes and rents are more affordable but where the expansion has been deemed entirely unsustainable by the state government’s independent infrastructure adviser as roads, schools and trains groan under the strain of ever more people.

After decades of government talk about reining in urban sprawl, the Andrews government says it must urgently push development to established suburbs rather than greenfield areas to house a booming population now estimated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at 9.6 million by 2050.

According to the 2021 census, there are about 2.1 million dwellings in Greater Melbourne. That suggests one new home would need to be built for every two existing homes within the city’s boundaries to hit the 2050 target.

Somehow we have to squeeze all these people into existing suburbs while making housing affordable. It’s quite a challenge.


Prominent former Labor strategist turned pollster and consultant Kos Samaras, says housing will be the major political faultline at the next Victorian election. “Nearly half the voters on the electoral roll will be Millennials and Gen Z who overwhelmingly are not represented in the asset class,” he says.

The political upside for Labor of taking planning away from councils and fast-tracking high-density housing, so the argument goes, is the wedging of allegedly development-wary Greenish suburbs like Brunswick and Northcote in the inner north and their Liberal equivalents in Camberwell and Brighton.

“There is no downside politically,” Samaras says. “I would argue that in some electorates where the Greens have developed a brand of being too protectionist with regard to developments, it’s hurting their brand.

“Their electoral success is off the back of NIMBYs.”

The idea has caught on, and three Victorian ministers, speaking anonymously for reasons of cabinet confidentiality, have described growing impatience around the cabinet table, and at a cabinet retreat after the November state election, with local councillors and NIMBYs.

What’s being planned

In Victoria, as revealed in The Age, the government is working on a housing and planning package spruiked by Daniel Andrews this week as “one of the most profound shake-ups of all the settings that determine how much supply we have”, which is all but certain to include a reduced role for local councillors in statutory planning.


It is part of Victoria’s response to the national housing accord struck last year, under which the federal government commits to helping fund social housing while requiring that the states “expedite” planning.

The package is being drawn up by Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny and Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan and is tightly held.

But senior state and local government figures anticipate that, at a minimum, the government will seize control of planning decisions for precincts around major public transport nodes, including those along Labor’s flagship Suburban Rail Loop, designated education precincts, and major housing projects over a certain value.

Importantly, the changes will mean reduced appeal rights for community groups and residents.

Increasingly clear is that the package will also include some form of “inclusionary zoning”, an idea first flagged by the Bracks government almost 20 years ago, under which governments require developers to set aside a proportion of new dwellings for affordable housing, usually in return for more floor space or levels.

On the ground in the ’burbs

But if streamlining planning approvals is the state’s primary answer to its housing and population challenge, it may need to reconsider.

Data collected by The Age shows the municipalities criticised for their NIMBYism approve the vast majority of applications that come before them.

Merri-bek, which has been attacked by the burgeoning YIMBY movement for knocking back an apartment block by boutique developer Nightingale, approved 88 per cent of the 6644 planning applications received over the past five financial years to 2022, resulting in more than 15,000 new dwellings.

Merri-bek mayor Angelica Panopoulos.

Merri-bek mayor Angelica Panopoulos.Credit: Joe Armao

“Councils are more than capable of balancing the need for new housing against good quality development,” says Greens Mayor Angelica Panopoulos.

At the City of Yarra in the inner north, the council has approved 99 per cent of applications over the past four financial years.

Further to the north, in Darebin, one of the city’s biggest local planning battles is being fought over the proposed redevelopment of the Preston Market. But the council’s figures show fewer than 4 per cent of applications rejected over the past three years.

In the inner east, where wealthy Boroondara is renowned for its resistance to high-density housing, Mayor Felicity Sinfield says the “quick fix” idea of the state taking over planning to address the housing crisis is spurious.

Boroondara mayor Councillor Felicity Sinfield in front of a Bill Street housing redevelopment in Hawthorn.

Boroondara mayor Councillor Felicity Sinfield in front of a Bill Street housing redevelopment in Hawthorn.Credit: Wayne Taylor

She says there is no evidence that the government would make faster or better planning decisions or would increase housing supply, pointing to two housing projects in her patch where the government took planning from the council. “It took years for the state to finalise permits and commence construction,” she says.

On the bay in Melbourne’s south-east, Kingston council has also been slapped with the NIMBY label.

Cr Steve Staikos is a former mayor and prominent ALP member. Despite his party loyalties, he says the Andrews government would be wrong to rely on the fast-tracking of planning approvals to deal with housing supply and affordability.

He points out that Kingston unsuccessfully asked the government to apply a vacant land tax to middle-ring suburbs to pressure developers to act on their approvals and ensure dwellings were occupied. “Unfortunately, this wasn’t taken up, so we have permits being warehoused and apartments sitting vacant.”

Kingston mayor Steve Staikos.

Kingston mayor Steve Staikos.Credit: Penny Stephens

In fact, across the state the vast majority of applications for apartment buildings are approved, according to an analysis for The Age by leading planning consultants SGS.

It found that on average, the planning system approves 37,400 multi-unit dwellings for development statewide each year, almost 90 per cent of which are processed. About 25 per cent are not commenced.

The problem is that developers will only act on their permits when it suits them economically. Labour and supply costs, skills shortages, rising interest rates, building company closures, and competition from major infrastructure projects have undermined investor confidence, as shown by the slump in building commencements in Victoria.

Few in local government and planning would disagree that the system could be fine-tuned, including SGS Economics and Planning co-founder Marcus Spiller, who as an economist and planner is much respected in government circles.

“It’s in everybody’s interest to have a smooth and efficient way of delivering housing,” says Spiller. “But we shouldn’t presume that planning is public enemy No.1.”

What to do?

Housing and property peak groups are among the most vocal in pressing for a reduced planning role for councils.

On Friday, the Housing Industry Association (HIA) called for reform of state government taxes aimed at discouraging foreign investors. It says such taxes have led to a drop in apartment construction.

The Property Council is one of few stakeholders so far consulted about the Victorian reforms and has been encouraging about the direction of the Andrews government’s housing and planning package.

“The evidence is clear that capacity constraints within many councils is far too large a handbrake on the creation of new homes,” says executive director Cath Evans. “It’s critical this be addressed authoritatively in this reform package through appropriate intervention mechanisms.”

But critics warn the fast-tracking of planning is a cheap “look over there” response to the housing crisis that avoids genuine action to tackle availability and affordability.

There is acknowledgement across the political spectrum that the dramatic demise of public housing in Victoria under Coalition and Labor governments, state and federal, has been a policy failure.

The proportion of households living in social/public housing has slumped from a high of about 4 per cent of dwellings in the late 1990s to 2.7 per cent in 2021.

Federally, Labor has vowed to re-invest in public/social housing, including through its $10 billion Housing Affordability Future Fund – currently stalled in the federal parliament – and the $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced last week.

The Andrews government is well into its $5.3 billion “big housing build” of more than 12,000 homes, but last year abandoned its plan for a social housing levy on developers.

RMIT researcher Liam Davies, who has just published a PhD thesis analysing housing policy in this state, says much more needs to be done if Victoria is to return to its public housing peak of the 1990s. He calls for a “serious agreement” between the federal and state governments that delivers sustained investment over many years.

“We need to stop fighting over crumbs and demand more bread,” he says.

George Kanjere, the 39-year-old leader of the Save the Preston Market campaign, says the term NIMBY has been weaponised by “profit-motivated” developers and others against his group, which, he says, is just trying to protect what makes the Preston area special.

George Kanjere of the Save The Preston Market campaign.

George Kanjere of the Save The Preston Market campaign.Credit: Justin McManus

“There certainly is a lack of supply of housing, but there’s all the other government policies like negative gearing which are designed to keep prices high and rising.”

After the unexpected loss to Scott Morrison at the 2019 election, federal Labor abandoned key policies it had championed to address housing affordability, including clamping down on negative gearing and capital gains discounts.

Internally in the ALP there is mounting pressure to revisit tax reform around housing.

Labor for Housing is a pressure group pressing for more than just the simple expediting of planning. “We can’t unscramble 25 years of housing policy neglect with one silver bullet,” says its spokeswoman Julijana Todorovic.

“We must address housing approval reform, mandates on the number of social and affordable dwellings that are provided in new developments, regulation and limits on short-stay accommodation, and of course federal tax reform that redistributes housing from the asset class to younger generations.”

Marcus Spiller backs a greater state role in individual planning decisions on major projects, but says the state needs to do much more to make large development sites available and to ensure that new, higher-density neighbourhoods are properly serviced with transport, schools, hospitals and open space. “If we continue to do planning as we have for the past 40 years and leave development to the ad hoc whims of the market, Melbourne will grind to a halt.”

No matter what reforms are pursued from this point at state and federal level, they will take years to have a real effect on housing availability and affordability.

Sally Edwards, meanwhile, has less than 60 days to figure out her next steps. Two days after the rent increase letter, her real estate agent came back with a revised increase of $450, the absolute lowest the landlord would accept.

“But that’s no difference to me,” she says. “I still don’t have that money. I’m still in this place where I don’t know what to do.”

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