

This was published 19 years ago

Getting our houses in order

Somehow public housing has fallen off the nation’s political agenda. But it remains a pressing issue for the thousands who have waited years for decent accommodation. Now, reports Royce Millar, the push is on for a radical solution.

Olga Bright has been waiting, and waiting, for a decade. The 71- year-old Reservoir woman and her husband, Noel, applied for public housing 10 years ago. They’re still on the waiting list.

In that time, both Olga and Noel, 77, have developed health problems. Olga can barely walk and now gets around on a special scooter. Among many debilitating complaints, Noel has had cancer and, as Olga puts it, "as had half his face removed". Life wasn't always so tough. In younger days, the couple ran a string of successful small businesses and built their own houses — five of them.

Things turned sour when the Brights invested in a family business that fell victim to the recession of the early 1990s. With their pride dented, they reluctantly turned to the state for housing assistance in 1995. After a bureaucratic nightmare, the couple are still struggling in private rental accommodation. They live in constant fear of being evicted from a house they cannot afford. "We just want something we won't get tossed out of, and that we can cope with," Olga says.

Yet, in the public-housing waiting game, the Brights are among the lucky ones. They have special needs that give them priority over those who are just plain poor. If you have a low-paying job, children, and the need for a bit of a leg-up — precisely the people for whom public housing was originally built after World War II — forget it. And, says Jeff Fiedler, of the Housing for the Aged Action Group, many Victorians have done just that.


"While the Government says there are 35,000 households officially on the waiting list (in Victoria), many more need public housing. But people just don't apply any more. It's just not worth it."

Public housing is the absent issue in Australian politics. We hear a lot about record house prices and interest rate rises, but public housing rarely scores a mention. Why? Well, there's not much to talk about. A tiny 5 per cent of Australians (and even fewer Victorians) now live in public or community housing, and the national stock of public housing is dwindling.

It seems surprising, therefore, that the State Government is again turning to public housing — or a variation on it — to help avert what many commentators see as a looming housing crisis in Victoria. Unlike 50 years ago — when governments spent big on public housing in the name of nation-building — the Bracks Government wants financiers and developers to pay.

Last month Victorians revelled in figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing that Melbourne's population was outgrowing Sydney's. Commentators said the harbour city's rampant housing market was repelling potential newcomers and driving residents away in droves. Victorian gloating, however, may be short-lived.

In a frank interview with The Age, Victorian Housing Minister Candy Broad warns that Melburnians should not be complacent. Housing affordability, she says, is now an "urgent" matter in Victoria. So what's the problem?

Put simply, we are buying ourselves out of house and home. Since the mid-1990s, housing prices have been pumped by an extraordinary convergence of pressures such as historic low interest rates, a sluggish stockmarket, an increase in double-income professional households, and generous federal and state home-buyer grants.

An already heated market was made even hotter by federal inducements to rental investors, especially the halving of capital gains tax, and negative gearing. By 2003 Australians were investing in rental properties at a rate seven times that of Britain.

Melbourne's average house price has more than doubled since the mid-1990s and trebled in places such as Richmond and Footscray, cutting many young hopefuls out of home ownership.

The latest Commonwealth figures show that Australia's once proud homeowner/ buyer rate of more than 70 per cent, dropped to 66.2 per cent last year.

And while the frenzy of investment has increased the pool of rental properties, tax incentives have ensured that almost all of the money is in the upper, not lower, end of the market.

The upshot? An increase in those stuck in private rentals, with home ownership out of reach and the safety net of public housing gone.

A confidential report by a group of inner-city councils forecasts that inner Melbourne will be devoid of affordable housing by 2030. Broad blames the decline in public housing on the Federal Government's refusal to provide adequate funding through the Commonwealth State Housing Agreement. Canberra's own figures show that outlays on public housing declined in real terms by 31 per cent in the nine years to 2004.

In response to shrinking federal grants, the states are focusing on assistance for those most in need. So much so that only the very old, sick, or homeless need apply.

With most tenants reliant on social security, and paying no more than 25 per cent of their income in rent, income from both ends of the system — federal funding and rent — is in decline.

By contrast, Broad says, almost all of the $20 billion spent each year in housing assistance nationwide — including that provided through tax concessions such as negativegearing — goes to homebuyers. Much of it, she says, goes to the wrong people. "Most federal housing assistance through the tax system goes to those in the highest 20 per cent of incomes," she says.

Broad says the Bracks Government has spent its own money on top of Canberra's contribution to fulfil its 1999 promise to boost Victoria's public-housing stock. But Commonwealth figures indicate that Victoria's total net stock (the Government also sells properties) has actually fallen since 1999. Broad disputes this.

Some of those closer to the real world of waiting for a roof say the Bracks Government is guilty of the same penny-pinching as Canberra. The Victorian Council of Social Service, for instance, says the Government enjoys windfall gains from stamp duty and is looking at a budget surplus this year of $665 million. "We believe homelessness has no place in a state as prosperous as Victoria," says council policy analyst Kate Colvin.

Public housing was always going to be in trouble once economic rationalist policies took hold in both major political camps 20 years ago. Since then, community groups have tried, unsuccessfully, to convince private investors to fill the void.

Mike Berry, a housing researcher at RMIT, estimates that in the past 15 years fewer than 1000 affordable dwellings have been produced through partnerships with non-government bodies nationally. Why? Again Broad blames Canberra.

"The main reason it (private investment) hasn't happened in this country is there is absolutely no support for it under federal taxation arrangements," she says. While Canberra allocates almost $2 billion in rent assistance each year, the subsidy must go to private, not public renters.

Federal Family and Community Services Minister, Senator Kay Patterson, accuses Broad of "simply dodging her responsibilities as Housing Minister".

"In addition to receiving substantial funding from the Howard Government for public housing, the Bracks Labor Government is receiving record revenue from land tax, stamp duty, speed cameras, gambling revenue and other staterelated taxes, not to mention the GST revenue," she says.

In an attempt to get around the federal restrictions, the State Government will spend $70 million to set up a network of non-profit, community-run housing associations. This scheme, Broad acknowledges, is the mechanism through which the Government is hoping for real growth in affordable housing.

The Government's contribution is intended to help establish an initial stock of housing, after which it expects the associations to become independent. A key obstacle to private investment in Australia is that no scheme has ever been able to guarantee a level and a certainty of return for investors. At arm's length from the State Government, however, the associations will be free to borrow and charge higher rents to cover costs. Tenants will be entitled to Commonwealth rent assistance.

Critics such as Fiedler say the scheme is a means of privatising public housing, and that the Government’s real agenda is to transfer all public stock to the associations, leading to higher rents and less security for existing public tenants. He says that without a mass transfer of properties, the associations will not have the capital base against which to borrow.

Broad denies this. "It's not a substitute for public housing," she says. "We see it as a growth strategy to do something extra."

The Government's punt on private sector involvement in affordable housing may go further. It is also looking at using the planning system to require developers to contribute to social housing.

Under one such strategy, known as inclusionary zoning, councils would be given the authority to demand that either a proportion of new dwellings be set aside for affordable housing, or a cash payment be made in lieu to pay for such housing elsewhere.

Inclusionary zoning is widely used in Britain and in parts of the US. In Melbourne, inner-city and western suburban councils have backed the scheme. Marcus Spiller, the president of the Planning Institute of Australia, is a convert. He agrees that governments have retreated from public housing.

Spiller says inclusionary zoning is especially important in the inner city to protect Melbourne's celebrated cultural diversity. "If you strip inner Melbourne entirely of its social diversity and cultural mix you take away from the wider Victorian community a valued environmental feature of the state," he says.

Others say the best results would be on the city's fringe. They say large property owners — who make windfalls through the rezoning of land from farm to residential — should be made to absorb the financial brunt of social housing through reduced land prices.

But the Bracks Government is very sensitive to the views of the property and development industries, and it is not clear yet how it will respond. The Housing Industry Association says it is opposed to the proposal.

Some developers say the industry is willing to discuss inclusionary zoning. But Rob Pradolin, general manager of Australand Victorian apartments, says: "The Government needs to be careful not to view developers as a never-ending source of funds for infrastructure and social policy.

"All these costs get passed on to the consumer, and this will this decrease Melbourne housing affordability, one of the competitive advantages."

Both Broad and Planning Minister Rob Hulls agree it is time to tackle inclusionary zoning. Most observers agree however that the ever-cautious and omnipresent Treasurer, John Brumby, will have to be convinced. Through schemes such as the housing associations and inclusionary zoning (if introduced) the Government hopes to generate enough housing to ensure a level of affordability in Melbourne. "We don't want to end up in the situation that Sydney is in," says Broad.

But even if financiers and developers embrace the initiatives, it will take many years to generate enough new public housing to have an impact.

For those waiting, vague talk of partnerships, housing associations and inclusionary zoning, offers little comfort. Olga Bright has all but lost faith. Asked when she expects to get affordably housed, she simply replies: "Never."

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