

This was published 3 years ago


Why can’t you borrow as much to invest in shares as property?

Last week, I boldly declared my intention to become a property investor. Which is to say, I spent the better part of this week fretting I’d made the wrong decision and am about to embarrass myself in front of the nation.

Of course, in one sense I already am a property investor, in that I own a property asset – my home.

Credit: Karl Hilzinger

Some people dispute this can reasonably be termed an “investment”, seeing as I will always need to live in it – or anything I replace it with. But this ignores that, in retirement, you can always downsize, unlocking some of your equity, or even take out a reverse mortgage, such as the government’s Pension Loans Scheme, to access an income stream while still living there.

Not only am I already a property investor, I am also a negatively geared investor, in that I have a large mortgage (I’m “geared”) and my cash flow is, indeed, “negative” because I don’t receive any rental income to offset my mortgage interest costs.

Of course, crucially, you can’t claim any negative gearing tax deductions on your principal place of residence. That is, I can’t reduce my taxable income by any shortfall between the income from my asset (there is none) and the costs I incur in owning it (such as mortgage interest), which, as everyone knows, you can do with investment properties.

What many people don’t realise, however, is that it is also possible to negatively gear a share portfolio, claiming any shortfall between incoming dividends and outgoing interest and other charges.

I like investing in shares because I see them as a punt on the power of clever people to design novel ways of doing things that will make our lives better and create true value, increasing the value of shares in their companies.

Property investing, on the other hand, seems like a bet that we, as a society, will prove unable, over the longer term, to match our housing supply to our housing needs, hence pushing up prices.

So, why didn’t I choose to borrow to invest in shares, instead? Short answer: because I can borrow more to buy property than shares.


The slightly longer answer is that there are two main ways to borrow to invest in shares.

One is to offer the resulting share portfolio as collateral for the loan – accessible to the lender, should you prove unable to make good on your debt repayments. This is called a “margin loan” and typically comes with the ability for the bank to force you to sell some shares if your portfolio dips below a certain value relative to your loan. Ouch.

The second way is to offer your home as collateral for your share investment loan. Say you have a mortgage of $500,000 on a property worth $1 million. To remain under the 80 per cent loan-to-valuation ratio (LVR) at which you don’t have to pay lenders mortgage insurance, you can borrow up to $800,000. So, you could apply to the bank for a loan of up to $300,000 to invest in shares.

Some lenders aren’t keen on the idea, and some put conditions on it. Of course, as always, you have to prove you have sufficient income to cover both your living expenses and the cost of servicing your bigger debt.

But you can certainly do it. And as long as you keep your owner-occupied and investment loans separate, you can claim at tax time any resulting shortfall between the costs of your share investment (mainly interest changes) and your dividend income.

When you sell your shares, you also get the same 50 per cent discount on any capital gains you make on the shares, provided you’ve held them for more than a year.

Ok, great. Now consider the alterative of borrowing to invest in property.

Again, you have an existing mortgage of $500,000 on a $1 million property.

But now you decide you want to go buy a $500,000 investment property, for instance. You apply for a $100,000 loan against the equity in your principal place of residence as the 20 per cent deposit. You borrow the rest, of $400,000 under a new investment loan.

The bank is happy to do this because not only do they have your $1 million property as collateral, they also now have your $500,000 property too (with no commensurate threat to sell it if it falls below a certain value, as would apply on a margin loan), meaning a total asset base of $1.5 million.

So, your loans – at a combined $1 million – only have you geared to a LVR of 67 per cent. Depending on your income and living costs, you could even apply for more debt to buy a more expensive property.

And get this. When the bank assesses your ability to shoulder the bigger debt on an investment property, it will include the likely rental income you will earn in its estimate of your total income. Most lenders don’t include dividend income in the serviceability test for borrowing for share portfolios, meaning you can borrow less.

In scenario one, you get to create a maximum $300,000 share portfolio. In scenario two, you can buy property worth $500,000 or more.

Bottom line: it’s easier to gear up to bigger amounts on property than shares, giving you a bigger initial asset base on which to enjoy any future capital gains (or losses).

I’m not sure why banks are less keen to lend against shares. Over sufficient time horizons, both assets classes boast solid returns.

Shares are a more volatile asset class, of course. Or, at least it’s easier to see the volatility in day-to-day share price movements, whereas home values only get accurately priced when sold.


Perhaps banks worry people will do sillier things with their share portfolios – like liquidate them when markets turn down and miss the upswing – because the transaction costs on shares are so much lower than property.

Perhaps lending attitudes will change one day. But for now, it is what it is.

Of course, you can always do a combination of borrowing to invest in both shares and property.

Having run the numbers, my eyes are still fixed on the investment property. Let the hunt begin…

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

You can follow more of Jess’ money adventures on Instagram @moneywithjess and sign up to receive her weekly email newsletter via The Age here or The Sydney Morning Herald here.

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