

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Sixteen ways to slash your grocery bill and beat rising prices

Sixteen ways to slash your grocery bill and beat rising prices

You’re not just imagining it. The price of just about everything is rising. So what can you do?

  • by Jessica Irvine


The one thing we could do on International Women’s Day to advance gender pay equity

The one thing we could do on International Women’s Day to advance gender pay equity

Knowledge is power, and until women realise they are underpaid, there is little they can do about it.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Australia’s best savings accounts: How to get a 5% return on your money

Australia’s best savings accounts: How to get a 5% return on your money

Savers are – for the first time in a decade – finally back in a position to earn attractive returns on their money.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Compulsory super only really benefits one group of workers
Super wars

Compulsory super only really benefits one group of workers

Compulsory super is a reality for all PAYG workers, but only some gain full benefit from the rules. Spoiler alert: it’s not low-income earners!

  • by Jessica Irvine
The price discounting war every Aussie investor should know about

The price discounting war every Aussie investor should know about

Over the past week, a fierce war has erupted between rival fund managers vying for a share of your savings.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Paying through the nose for financial advice is a bit rich. Here’s an alternative

Paying through the nose for financial advice is a bit rich. Here’s an alternative

Consumers should have access to a low-cost service to help navigate the maze of complexity policymakers have created. I’ll even put up my hand to run it.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Help! How to prepare for your fixed rate mortgage ‘cliff’

Help! How to prepare for your fixed rate mortgage ‘cliff’

Nearly one million Australians are set to roll off their low-rate fixed mortgages this year. Here’s what you can do to prepare.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Time for a big push to birth universal childcare in Australia

Time for a big push to birth universal childcare in Australia

The economic case for quality universal childcare has been made, but it’s equally important its wider social benefits - for educators, parents and children - are clearly understood.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Should you pay down your mortgage faster or keep investing?

Should you pay down your mortgage faster or keep investing?

As the cost of borrowing rises, a question I am often asked is if it makes sense to pay down your mortgage or invest your excess cash.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Hands off our super! There are better ways to make housing affordable

Hands off our super! There are better ways to make housing affordable

On the surface, funnelling some of our combined $3.3 trillion in super savings towards affordable housing for low-income Australians sounds reasonable. But let’s scratch the surface.

  • by Jessica Irvine
A $477 Costco party and return Bali flights: my ‘revenge spend’ diary

A $477 Costco party and return Bali flights: my ‘revenge spend’ diary

The ink is fresh on my monthly budget spending tally for January, and it appears I’ve joined the trend for ‘revenge spending’.

  • by Jessica Irvine

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