

This was published 5 months ago


Making sense of health headlines shouldn’t be so difficult – or dangerous

In some ways, I’m just as susceptible to health fads as anyone – the promise of a new way of eating or moving, a hack to improve sleep or relieve stress is hard to resist. In other ways, I’m less susceptible.

In nearly two decades of writing about health, I’ve waded through all shades of rubbish and seen “the next big thing” come and go, time and again. Meanwhile, the boring old stalwarts – move regularly, eat mostly unprocessed foods, prioritise sleep and relationships and address stress – remain.

Making sense of the science (or the headlines) is not always easy.

Making sense of the science (or the headlines) is not always easy.Credit: Getty

Sometimes new research or a fresh trend has merit or at least a kernel of truth (a nutrient that is genuinely bad for some people, like gluten, doesn’t mean we all need to avoid it). And sometimes there is a true nugget of gold, which can change the way we live for the better.

Intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating are two trends that have captured the imagination of researchers and the public alike.

While intermittent fasting is essentially a way to limit energy intake, time-restricted eating (TRE) doesn’t involve counting calories. The idea is that we eat in a defined window of time each day (typically between 6 and 12 hours) to give our bodies the break they need to rest and prioritise other essential functions. Of course, TRE may mean you don’t have snacks after dinner, which doesn’t hurt either. Early evidence has suggested its benefits include weight regulation, longevity and improved metabolic health.


Researchers know that when our eating is misaligned with our circadian rhythm (eating at night when our body wants to sleep, for instance) we increase our risk of metabolic and weight issues.

In contrast, when we align our eating window with mostly daylight hours, researchers have hypothesised that it supports our circadian rhythm and therefore, our overall health. The caveat is that by being too restrictive or not having a nutritionally balanced diet, you’ll cancel any beneficial effects it might have. More research is needed, but it’s promising, and it’s one of the health practices I’ve been convinced enough to adopt.

Fasting, on the other hand, is a trend I tried and ultimately didn’t buy: I don’t have weight or metabolic health issues and feared diet culture had co-opted it to justify disordered eating. But, new research “rocked the scientific consensus” on TRE, as one publication put it.


The study, presented at an American Heart Association (AHA) conference in late March, evaluated the health outcomes of 20,000 adults over 17 years. They made a shocking finding: the people who restricted their eating to an eight-hour window had a 91 per cent higher risk of cardiovascular death.

Unsurprisingly, it made international news with major publications including BBC, Washington Post and NBC picking up the story, as people tried to make sense of why the findings were in such stark contrast to the consensus, including research finding that TRE could improve cardiovascular health.

In response, a group of experts from around the world wrote a letter to the president of the AHA claiming it had caused false alarm and undue panic.

Not only was the paper not yet published or peer-reviewed, it contained serious design flaws, did not properly adjust for smoking, shift work or sleeping patterns and only asked about eating timing on two occasions. The alarming headlines were dangerous to public health, impacted trust in the AHA, and could compromise funding for ongoing clinical trials, wrote the 34 experts in time-restricted eating.

Trying to delineate between decent advice and advice resulting from cherry-picked data, vested interest or poorly designed research can be a minefield. Sometimes even those of us whose job it is to help navigate and present good, unbiased information get it wrong. And this dramatic flip-flopping of health advice does little for public faith in science or the mainstream media.


What this kerfuffle around TRE has reminded me is that often the public, as well as the media, can be too quick to jump on new health claims. I was as guilty of this early in my career as I was personally susceptible to the fads.

Blanket claims and frightening statements are compelling eye candy, but often not to be swallowed whole. At best, claims are baseless but benign and might only hurt your hip pocket. At worst, they can be fatal.

The best health advice contains nuance (and credible research). Intermittent fasting, for instance, may benefit certain people but not others and if you’re generally healthy, it may not give you any advantage. Good health advice is also generally the least interesting and the least profitable.


So, certainly buy the thing that takes your fancy, if you have the money, and it doesn’t cause you harm.

And no matter what Andrew Huberman tells or sells you, the jury is still mostly out on ice baths, saunas and greens supplements. I don’t need the evidence to know that cold showers and saunas make me feel good, but I’ll take the $3 cucumber over the $80-a-month greens powder, thanks.

As I’ve travelled further down the path of health over the years I’ve become less – not more – extreme. And this is because I’ve realised that while we’re being dazzled by the outrageous claims and sexy hacks, most of us are yet to get the basics right, no starvation or health panic needed.

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