

This was published 6 years ago

Myer super sale special: Poisoned chalice, going cheap

By Michael Pascoe
Myer supplier and biggest shareholder Solomon Lew.

Myer supplier and biggest shareholder Solomon Lew.

There are plenty of victims when it comes to the poison chalice that is Myer.

It started with the naïve Myer board, in its various iterations, which accepted the chalice from the private equiteers in 2009.

TPG and its henchmen did a shameless and extremely profitable job of stripping, licking and flicking Myer onto hapless Australian shareholders.

The board accepting the hospital pass from TPG never stood a chance – just like the Australian Tax Office that let TPG scamper off to the Caribbean with 100 per cent of their loot.

Myer is on its third chairman in less than nine years. At least the first one, Howard McDonald, was well paid for his troubles - $2.4 million in 2009, 44 per cent of the $5.4 million Bernie Brookes received for floating the disaster.

The mug shareholders who took up the IPO at $4.10 a share - urged on by a gaggle of brokers and merchant bankers paid to do so - started losing on the first day and haven’t stopped.

The stock finished at 36 cents on Friday, clinching its status as nothing more than a capital tax loss waiting to be recognised.

Those who subsequently bought in along the way, trying to catch a falling knife or thinking it was a turnaround situation, have fared no better. Yes, a bad situation can get worse.

A special mention here for Investors Mutual, Myer’s second largest shareholder. Investors Mutual management is paid extremely well to manage punters’ money.


Investors Mutual has blown a small fortune of that money on its Myer stake, hanging in there as the ship has been going down. With the band about to strike up Nearer My God to Thee, there remains no sign of rationale or rationalisation from the fund manager for its loyalty to the aforementioned failing board. (But Investors Mutual keeps getting paid whether it makes winning or losing bets.)

Then there’s Garry Hounsell, a curious choice to take over as chairman when Paul McClintock realised his position had become untenable. Hounsell’s boardroom history, as neatly recounted by Patrick Hatch, made him imminently suitable for I-don’t-know-quite-what, but that what wouldn’t tend to include saving a retail dinosaur.

But the problems aren’t just about the past. There’s poison too for supplier and biggest shareholder Solly Lew.

Given Myer’s performance, getting shareholders to toss the board out should be child’s play, especially for a proven retailer performer with skin in the game – except for two hovering questions.

The first is: What would Solly do to turn Myer around?

Lew has been big on criticism of Myer’s chairman, board and management, happy to point out what they’ve done wrong. That’s hardly a challenge. Even journalists and retail analysts can do that.

What Lew hasn’t done is explain what he would do differently if he controlled the company, how he could restore value in the face of the many and obvious challenges. If he has a cunning plan, shareholders - maybe even Investors Mutual - would love to hear it as it would fill a despairing vacuum.

Chairman Hounsell’s claimed solution is for Myer to go back to the customers it used to have and be cheaper and offer better service.

Right. And any day now, I’m going back to playing rugby the way we used to play it, only I’ll be faster, harder and generally much better. I’m sure the Wallabies selectors will be watching.

Sundry analysts can point out that providing better service costs money Myer doesn’t have, and won’t have if it cuts prices chasing customers who’ve gone elsewhere, never mind that the retail game has moved on – but they can’t provide a magic solution either.

The second question: is Solly’s main concern that of a shareholder, or a supplier?

It was questions of conflict of interest – the Yannon affair - that cost Lew the Coles Myer chairmanship in the 1990s and eventually saw him off the board in 2002.

Investors Mutual was a significant Coles Myer shareholder voting against Lew way back – some games have long histories.

Lew’s Premier Investments and private clothing companies sell a couple of hundred million dollars’ worth of stuff to Myer each year. It’s in Lew’s interest that Myer keeps buying.

As it stands, it’s reasonable to think Lew is active as both a shareholder and supplier, never mind the possibility of wanting the satisfaction of regaining the chairmanship he lost.

Liz Knight has reported on idea that Lew’s interest is to secure his position as a major supplier, with another suggestion being that he could use Myer for leverage in unloading some of his less successful retail brands.

Lew has more at stake as a supplier than as an investor. What might concern him is the way another Australian department store chain was brought back from the edge of extinction: Kmart.

As the now-fabled story goes, three different managements had wanted to kill Kmart, but the cost of the shop leases made it too expensive to put down.

Then Wesfarmers famously hired the former McDonalds boss Guy Russo from somewhere far beyond left field, out in the former hamburger-flippers’ semi-retirement paddock.

There were of course a number of elements to how Russo made Kmart a success but there were two absolutely key instructions for his buyers: buy what people use; and find the factory.

That translated into dropping lines that rarely sold and were taking up space – low-hanging fruit in retail land. Finding the factory meant cutting out the middlemen, cutting out the wholesalers and importers.

Russo also ditched discounting, going for consistent good value, and re invigorated staff morale.

What would it mean for suppliers if a Russo turned up at Myer? No, the old department store couldn’t become another Kmart, but it could start by dropping uncompetitive lines that are taking up space and concentrate on directly-sourced quality merchandise.

There remains plenty of potential poison around the chalice.

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