

This was published 6 years ago

'I've got this bloody will to succeed': Myer's Hounsell won't give up the fight

By Patrick Hatch

It was a cool morning on October 6 last year when two men sat down to discuss the future of Australia’s most famous store.

Each was experienced and respected in their respective fields. But soon, any semblance of civility would be thrown to the wind.

Myer executive chairman Garry Hounsell. Illustration: Joe Benke

Myer executive chairman Garry Hounsell. Illustration: Joe Benke

On one side was Solomon Lew, the septuagenarian billionaire titan of Australia retail.

The guest at his Melbourne mansion was 63-year-old former Ernst & Young senior partner and prolific company director Garry Hounsell.

Hounsell had a substantial corporate career under his belt spanning miners, airlines and media companies, and a reputation as a corporate “bruiser”, but no direct experience in retail.

Nonetheless, he had been tapped to become the next chairman of Myer and safeguard the department store through some of the most tumultuous market conditions in its 118-year history.

Lew’s listed company, Premier Investments, had bought a 10.8 per cent stake in Myer for $102 million earlier in the year and was losing money fast as Myer’s share price sank and its trading deteriorated. (Premier’s investment is now worth just $39 million).

Over the course of the two-hour meeting Lew implored Hounsell to get more retail and property experience on the board and, as Myer’s largest shareholder, put three experienced names forward – two who would be his nominees and one independent director.

Garry Hounsell is taking on all comers in battle to transform Myer's fortunes.

Garry Hounsell is taking on all comers in battle to transform Myer's fortunes.Credit: Eddie Jim


The meeting ended with an understanding Hounsell would take the proposal for Terry McCartney, Tim Antonie and Stephen Sewell to join Myer to the board and get back to Lew.

But the billionaire - who owns 43 per cent of Premier, the company behind Just Jeans, Smiggle and Peter Alexander – never got his seats.

It's understood he never even heard back from Hounsell after their meeting, in what was a sliding-doors moment for Myer.

Sol instead learned soon after that Julie Ann Morrison, director of Myer’s struggling sass & bide label, would join the board.

Ugly fight

Ever since that snub Lew and Premier’s attacks on Hounsell have been unrelenting, turning in to what has arguably become the ugliest fight in corporate Australia, defined by allegations of incompetence, dishonesty and self-interested opportunism.

Lew is baying for blood and preparing to call a shareholder meeting to have Hounsell and the board kicked out.

Hounsell sacked his chief executive Richard Umbers last month and appointed himself executive chairman, putting the focus in the fight for Myer’s future squarely on his broad shoulders.

Hounsell has zero credibility, says Lew, after Hounsell enthusiastically backed Umbers’ “New Myer” strategy and spoke of “green shoots” appearing in the business only to then oversee two earnings downgrades and then to sack Umbers.

If Hounsell’s “out-of-touch incompetence wasn’t causing all Myer shareholders significant value destruction, it would be comical”, was one recent character assessment.

Premier Investments chairman Solomon Lew.

Premier Investments chairman Solomon Lew.Credit: Pat Scala

The spat has turned bizarre at times. At one stage Hounsell questioned why, if he was so incompetent, was he once considered as a candidate to lead Premier’s board?

That never happened, according to Lew, whose camp has been calling Hounsell a liar ever since.

If Hounsell is feeling any pressure, it’s not showing.

“I’m actually enjoying it thoroughly,” he told Fairfax Media after handing down a $476 million half-year loss on Wednesday.

“I just enjoy getting back into business. I’m working with a great brand; I’ve got a wonderful team of people.

“And I’ve got this bloody will to succeed that I’m going to execute on.”

Blunt style

Hounsell's blunt style is a million miles from both Umbers’ at-times impenetrable management babble and the finger-on-the-pulse industry confidence of veterans like Bernie Brookes and Mark McInnes.

Where others shrink in front of a hostile press pack, Hounsell appears to swing with greater conviction at each bouncer delivered his way.

"I may not be one of the world's great retailers, but I know how to make money," was the latest of several comments destined for the headlines.


His confession of having “old-fashioned” shopping habits was another gift to reporters, not to mention Lew.

Those who have worked closely with Hounsell say he’s fiercely competent and a cooled-head under pressure.

“He’s a quiet and humble person, and it might be easy to underestimate [him],” says media entrepreneur and business identity Harold Mitchell, who had Hounsell on the board of his Mitchell Communication Group from 2006 to 2010.

“I warn people, don’t do it - he’s very, very capable”.

Hounsell is a “tight operator, but a very collegiate one”, says Geoff Dixon, who was Qantas CEO during Hounsell’s stint on the airline’s board.

“He’s very supportive, and certainly asked questions and got across the brief very well,” Dixon says.

“I think he’s not going to take too many backwards steps - that’s never been his inclination.”

Others say the current rough and tumble wouldn’t phase Hounsell, who has already been in his fair share of corporate blow-ups and fist fights before he landed at Myer.

The Myer camp maintains it was right to reject Premier’s request for seats on the board. Premier has too great a conflict of interest as a major competitor to Myer, and with Lew family companies being major suppliers, it says, accusing Lew of trying to take control of Myer without paying a proper take-over premium.

Solomon Lew has still not explained what his intentions are for Myer since snapping up 10.8 per cent of the company.

And with Hounsell’s history of defending takeover bids, it was speculated this background was why he was made chairman in the first place.

Busy operator

Hounsell’s first stint in the spotlight was as CEO of Arthur Andersen Australia, back when there were the “Big Five” global accounting firms.

He was at the helm in 2002 when clients started leaving Andersen in droves, spooked by the stigma of sharing auditors with the bankrupt US corporation Enron and the collapsed Australian insurer HIH.

"Every corporation goes through a period of troubled waters. We are 90-years-old and this is the first [such] period our firm has been through. We will come through,” Hounsell said with typical optimism in February that year.

“There is nothing here out of the ordinary in our day-to-day business.”

Three months later Anderson was kaput. The Australian arm merged into Ernst & Young, and Hounsell was made a managing partner.

Soon after that Hounsell started popping up on boards all over town.

He became a director of the explosions specialists Orica and chemicals giant Nufarm in 2004, and in 2005 he was handed the keys to the chairman’s lounge with a highly sought-after spot on the board of Qantas.

Mining firm PanAust, and Treasury Wine Estates followed.

By 2012 Hounsell was so busy that proxy advisors CGI Glass Lewis recommended against his re-election to Qantas’ board because he was so “overcommitted”.

CGI Glass Lewis also said there was a potential conflict of interest in Qantas buying $327,000 worth of wine from Hounsell’s Yarra Valley vineyard, Toolangi.

An analysis of 1539 ASX company directors by The Age that year found Hounsell was the busiest operator in corporate Australia, jugging five directorships.

Hounsell’s reputation as a corporate fighter – and even a “bruiser” – started to form at PanAust, a miner with copper-gold in Laos and a stake in the Frieda River copper-gold project in Papua New Guinea.

A week after appointing a new managing director to replace founder Garry Stafford, effectively immediately, Stafford reportedly arrived at the company’s Brisbane headquarters with lawyers in tow to discuss his future.

There was little discussion on that day in November 2014. Stafford was shown the door and told police would be called if he did not leave.

That prompted fury from the PanAust’s founding chairman Bob Bryan, who called for Hounsell’s head to “avoid the possibility of a recurrence of this irrational and irresponsible behaviour”.

Pretty soon it would be Hounsell heading for the door, with the Chinese state-owned investor Guangdong Rising Assets Management launching a takeover bid.

It had already lobbed an offer of $2.20 a share – a 40 per cent premium to the shareprice and upped it to $2.30 in February 2014.

PanAust thought it could do better and was hunting for a higher offer, but the copper price began to fall, cooling the suitor’s interest and sinking the company’s shares to $1.10.

A lower bid of $1.71 a share came in the first half of 2015 which Hounsell rejected as opportunistic, before eventually accepting a deal of $1.85 per share.

Point end

It’s not clear if trouble follows Hounsell around, if he follows it, or if those expecting it seek him out.

But either way Hounsell soon found himself at the pointy end of one the biggest deals of 2017 as chairman of services company Spotless.

What had started as talk of a merger between Spotless and mining and construction contractor Downer was starting to look more like a potential takeover when Hounsell became chairman in February to replace Margaret Jackson, who retired due to health issues.

When the $1.27 billion bid offer came in March Honusell rejected it, saying it was opportunistic and designed to take advantage of Spotless’ low share price.

He asked investors to keep faith, saying he could deliver them better value in the long-run.

But that didn’t stop them selling. Downer steadily chewed up the share registry and in July 2017 Hounsell “reluctantly” recommended shareholders accept the $1.15 share offer.

Garry Hounsell (left) and Richard Umbers at Myer's AGM in November.

Garry Hounsell (left) and Richard Umbers at Myer's AGM in November. Credit: Eddie Jim

But not before stirring the pot on his way out. New York fund manger Coltrane refused to sell its 10 per cent share, and Hounsell said at the time he wasn’t sure what he’d do with his Spotless shares either.

Simon McKeon, who was on the Spotless board during at the time of Downers’ takeover attempt, said he did not see Hounsell appear stressed once during the entire saga.

“Stress is not a word I would use with him, relative to a whole bunch of other people I’ve seen in corporate life,” says McKeon.

“I don’t think he’s the type to lose too much sleep at night – he gives it his best shot and then basically moves on to the next battle,” he says.

“He’s just not affected when the sleeves get rolled up and things get tough.”

Perilous state

Hounsell is not responsible for putting Myer in its perilous state. Profits have been falling for the past 20 years. The boom in online shopping and the arrival of Amazon are only the latest structural shifts to challenge its business.

Too many stores are underperforming but Myer can’t afford to pay landlords to break leases and close them any faster. Four of its 63 are currently slated to shut.

Hounsell revealed a $538 million write-down and a $476 million half-year loss on Wednesday.

Even without the write-downs, profit fell to $40.1 million, from $62.8 million in the same half last year, while same-store sales fell 3 per cent in the half.

Hounsell says his agenda is now “firmly on the bottom line” and that Myer will do “anything that we can make money” from. He will start by winning back “traditional” Myer shoppers who were alienated when Umbers started chasing fashion-forward high-spending customers in 2015.

By tearing up the Umbers’ strategy, Hounsell says Myer will improve prices, products and customer service.

It will also return its focus to Myer’s private brands, which have better margins, but, as Macquarie pointed out, have previously driven customers away.

Meanwhile, better service and prices will cost money, and Myer’s earnings slump and its half-a-billion dollar write-down has put its balance sheet under pressure.

Myer’s debt covenants are also tightening, with the write-down shrinking its net assets from $1 billion to $580 million - just $80 million shy of the minimum demanded by its lenders.

Its fixed charges cover ratio fell from 1.8 to 1.65 times, closer to its limit of 1.5 times.

Analysts say Myer can not make the investment it needs to improve the business until it lifts these lending restrictions, and the store said it was already in talks with lenders to negotiate more breathing room.

Hounsell is also meeting with landlords to negotiate cheaper rent and shorter leases.

Otherwise, Hounsell says he has one priority.

“In terms of strategy, that’s an area a new CEO will concentrate on,” he said.

“I’m in a caretaker role at the moment and that caretaker role is purely to drive profitability for our shareholders.”

Its shares hit a record low on Friday closing at 36¢.

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