

This was published 21 years ago

Shop tactics: why Sol Lew won't go away

Solomon Lew is stepping up his campaign to retain his board seat at Coles Myer, but next Wednesday's annual meeting may turn out to be the first battle in a longer war.

With eight of 10 Coles Myer directors opposing his re-election and the institutional vote heavily skewed against him, Lew still needs an upset to survive - despite recent sharemarket manoeuvres which he confirmed yesterday had pushed his voting stake to almost 10 per cent.

Coles Myer chairman Rick Allert said yesterday that the group's new chief executive, former Brambles boss John Fletcher, had brought "a new perspective, a different culture and an inspiring style of leadership" to the retailer. A unified board "will obviously be an essential element if the good work is to continue", he added.

But hopes that Lew will throw in the towel (and take the resulting surge in the retailer's share price as second prize) if he is defeated at the annual meeting on Wednesday are receding. The Lew camp is not saying how many proxies its $10 million-plus election campaign has attracted, but a source close to Lew asserts that it represents a block of shares "that nobody is going to ignore".

Lew told The Age yesterday that the response had been "unprecedented - tens of thousands of shareholders have sent in proxies to support me. We will not know the outcome until Wednesday, but I believe that the shareholders have spoken."


If he is voted off the board, Lew could fight on in several ways. His lawyers have already threatened legal action for damages against those who oppose him if he is defeated, and individual members of the "Gang of Eight" Coles Myer directors who oppose him have been told that Lew is reserving his legal rights.

Lew's shareholding will be sufficient for him to requisition company meetings, and the Lew source says that proxies received in this battle will be counted as part of the notional shareholding that supports him and his platform, including a return of the Coles Myer discount shopping program.

"I will have a mandate for change", Lew said yesterday, adding that the election would show "that my ideas - a new shareholder discount card, reform of corporate governance, the pursuit of higher shareholder value - are too powerful to be ignored".

A surprise election win for Lew would also not immediately resolve the situation.

Lew and his ally, Mark Leibler, would continue as directors. But Fletcher has warned that he will consider quitting as CEO if Lew stays on the board, while Allert has declared that a Lew victory will not result in wholesale resignations from the Gang of Eight. If so, Lew and Leibler will still be outgunned at board level, and may again be reliant on guerilla tactics, including the requisitioning of meetings to advance the Lew agenda.

Lew is now openly critical of Fletcher. "I simply do not accept that Australia's biggest retail company can be run by a CEO with no retail experience and a chairman and board with no retail experience", he stated yesterday. He has said also that he believes Fletcher could be quickly replaced. But while Fletcher has so far failed to revive Coles Myer's fortunes, key institutional shareholders are effectively backing him by lining up against Lew, and might reduce their exposure if Lew is re-elected.

Lew's tactics during the campaign might also be a cause of uncertainty if he is re-elected. Some members of the anti-Lew camp are outraged that Lew has been writing options against shares he has been buying on-market. Lew has announced that his voting stake has doubled from 5 per cent to 9.67 per cent, and is expected to buy more. But shares acquired during the battle equal to about 4 per cent of issued capital are matched by put and call options that could then be sold after the meeting.

"If people can rent shares to get on a board it will make corporate governance in Australia an absolute joke", a high-level member of the anti-Lew camp asserted yesterday. Australia would become known as a "rent-a-vote-market" he added. There is no obvious legal barrier to Lew's "Buy and write" tactics. But there were suggestions yesterday from a corner of the anti-Lew camp that Wednesday's vote would be challenged if the shares covered by options decide the matter in Lew's favour. The fact that separate proxy forms have been sent to shareholders by Coles Myer and the Lew camp may also generate disputes about the accuracy of the count.

The situation remains highly fluid. Lew will campaign right up to Wednesday's meeting, and can be expected to provide more details about his proposed new shareholder discount programme. He must also explain how he intends to honour his commitment to sever his links with Lew family companies, which either supply merchandise to Coles Myer for resale or compete with the group.

If his share-buying continues, the vote could be close. A total of 360 million shares were voted at last year's meeting, 30 per cent of issued capital. Lew needs a 50 per cent majority to be re-elected, and would need the backing of only about 5 per cent of Coles Myer's shares to win if last year's turnout was repeated. The unprecedented nature of the battle and the presidential-style of the $10 million campaign run by Lew ensures that the turnout will be much higher, however.

The Myer family will cast its 5 per cent stake against Lew, Leibler and the nine external candidates for the board, as will the AMP, Queensland Investment Corp, Investors Mutual and other funds which control around 10 per cent of issued capital. The position of big index funds which hold over 10 per cent is undeclared.

At least 50 per cent of Coles Myer's shares are expected to be voted, and the crucial block, around 40 per cent, is held by the main targets of Lew's campaign, small shareholders. A critical question is: has Lew's intrusive campaign turned them on, or off?

His pitch, that he represents retail experience, a check on potentially value-destroying decision-making, and the promise of a return of the Coles Myer shareholder discount card, is offset by the fact that he was on the board as the group's earnings base collapsed.

Another negative for Lew is that he has been a focus of corporate governance controversy in the past - over the 1990 Yannon deal, where Coles lost money supporting a shelf company's purchase of shares issued by a Lew company, Premier Investments, to fund the acquisition of Coles Myer shares; and over his related-party dealings with the group.

And the campaign itself will be controversial. Lew has used almost every available medium to push his message, including radio, television, the print media, direct mail, phone campaigning and the Internet.

Some shareholders have reacted negatively to the blitz, which has portrayed Lew as a hands-on major shareholder. Lew's punt is that enough shareholders believe that Coles Myer need that sort of supervision. Investors Mutual will cast about 4 million shares or 0.33 per cent of issued capital against Lew. "I would rather have him outside than inside", the group's investment director, Anton Tagliaferro, says.

Non-executive directors "are not supposed to have that much influence, anyway", Tagliaferro says. 'His job is not to be there day in and day out looking over the chief executive's shoulder."

A source close to Lew counters that Lew has not sought to participate in day-to-day to matters. "He has vigorously questioned advisors in relation to the most significant issues that the Coles Myer board has dealt with, including Project Gold, and the potential alienation of a core customer base during a period of underperformance and intense competition through the scrapping of the shareholder discount card."

The now deferred Project Gold project remains the enigma of the battle to unseat Lew. Produced in three weeks and tabled in June by UBS Warburg, Project Gold proposes a demerger of Coles Myer into two companies, one holding the Myer Grace department store and Target chains and another holding the supermarket and Kmart chains.

It sits at the centre of Lew's argument that his election is being opposed because he has not been supporting Fletcher's agenda, or the directors who do.

Details surrounding the sudden acceleration of the deferred demerger plan are unlikely to be in front of shareholders when they vote next week.

Lew has failed to have a dossier, relating to the deal which includes board level correspondence, released by Coles Myer and ASIC, and is almost certainly prevented by law from releasing the material himself. The law says directors cannot release confidential material which would benefit them, or hurt the company involved.

"It is for Mr Lew to decide whether to publicly release his letter, " ASIC chairman David Knott said.

Coles Myer chairman Rick Allert has dismissed material from the Lew camp dealing with Project Gold and other matters as "incomplete, and factually incorrect" and characterised the now deferred demerger proposal as an option, not a commitment.

One director asserts privately that Project Gold was not rushed into existence in May and June, as Lew asserts. The break-up idea was supported by Fletcher and all his senior managers, and recommended by the investment bank, UBS Warburg in mid-June. But with Myer Grace's earnings in the gutter, "we were never in a position to do it because nobody would buy it", the director says.

The deal is scheduled to be re-examined half way through next year. That gives the group time to try and resurrect Myer Grace's earnings. Whether the group's board can resurrect itself over the same period remains to be seen.

The Maiden family owns Coles Myer shares.

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