‘I gasped’: Bluey’s home for sale, set for record price
The Heeler family in hit series Bluey are set to be millionaires six times over after a shock decision to list their iconic Brisbane home for sale.
The Heeler family in hit series Bluey are set to be millionaires six times over after a shock decision to list their iconic Brisbane home for sale.
Even as household budgets come under pressure, tens of thousands of Aussies took on additional debt in February, new data shows.
The A-list Hollywood heart-throb has just submitted plans to build a massive $14.6m home near Byron Bay, with sweeping beach views and a $74,000 fireplace.
The A-list Hollywood heart-throb has just submitted plans to build a massive $14.6m home near Byron Bay, with sweeping beach views and a $74,000 fireplace.
Two weeks free rent? Landlords have begun offering a range “perks” in what could be the first sign that Qld’s rental hunger games is easing. See what’s on offer.
A prestige home in Clayfield has sold under the hammer for $2.81m with an opening bid of $2.4m. WATCH AUCTIONS LIVE
A pair of reality stars are under fire for pushing buyers towards “compromised” property decisions on air, as the truth behind reality real estate shows is uncovered.
Victorian landlords evicting themselves from the state’s property market have racked up the highest share of home sales since at least 2018. And it could have a “structural shift” on the market.
Our housing crisis is close to breaking point, Anthony Albanese take note – this is what needs to be done to ease the pressure on all Aussies.
Geelong’s home prices remain stubbornly weak, but it isn’t a sign that the regional bubble has burst, a senior economist explains.
Keep an eye on the Brisbane property market in real time with our live auction coverage.
More Geelong homebuyers are boosting their purchasing power by securing discounts on Geelong properties amid an uplift in people searching for ‘distressed’ listings.
The Block could be faced with auction anguish this year unless its producers are willing to take a loss on the home’s purchase prices, according to a prominent Block bidder.
Sydney’s once dominant property investors have been jumping ship from the Harbour City, driving a big shift in the housing market.
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/property/page/191