PropertyHome prices in Brisbane have clawed back all of last year’s falls to hit a fresh high, as demand continues to outweigh supply.
PropertyVictorian real estate agents were fined hundreds of thousands for underquoting in the past financial year. But insiders say there is still much uncertainty between budding homebuyers as to what constitutes underquoting.
PropertyAustralia’s cost of living crisis is set to worsen with a new report predicting rent hikes across the country by early 2024. Explore data for every town and suburb in your state.
PropertyExclusive modelling has revealed how long Sydney’s ongoing housing market recovery will last and what it means for property values.
PropertyA Toowoomba family is finally saying goodbye to their home after more than six decades of memories, in a sale the agent says is rare to see these days.
PropertyHome values in Adelaide climbed faster than those in any other capital city last month. But what’s really surprising is how much they’ve increased since the pandemic.
PropertyDodgy real estate agents underquoting properties as much as $1m have been slapped with fines by a taskforce cracking down on the dodgy practice. But the public wants more action.
PropertyAfter six months on the market Michelle Bridges has finally found a buyer for her luxurious Bowral home, while Bachelorette Sam Frost is selling her former Sydney home. See the pictures.
PropertyIt could take years for the city to fully recover from the home price hit that has accompanied interest rate hikes, as new PropTrack figures show growth for houses and units stalled.
PropertyWhile the larger cities push home prices to new heights, the average Hobart dwelling value is far lower now than it was six months ago, a report reveals.