Special featureTHE deathbed confession of a dying Nazi soldier. A train loaded with 300 tons of gold. It’s the stuff of movies. But the tale has treasure hunters scrambling for clues.
Special featureHE is the Caliph of the Islamic State, the leader of the regime Tony Abbott compared to the Nazis. But who is Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and how did he come to marshal such frightening power?
Special featureTHEY were heinous crimes — gang rapes spread across a month that traumatised at least seven teenage girls and appalled the nation. Fifteen years later we revisit the attacks led by Bilal Skaf.
Special featureYOU probably know it happened above Japan. But did you know the final aerial fight of World War II, which took place 70 years ago, involved the British and the famous Spitfire?
Special featureTHERE’S something odd about our Solar System. We’ve found some 470 stars with planets around them. But it’s only now that we’ve spotted one that looks anything like our own.
Special featureTHERE’S a life-and-death struggle going on that involves strong characters, mysterious villains, cuddly critters and forensic investigation. But this is no movie plot — though Adelaide scientists play a leading role.
Special featureHIS players had the talent, and Phil Walsh was the coach with the strategic genius to guide them to victory.
Special featureNICK Riewoldt opens up for the first time to Mark Robinson about his sister’s bravery, the agony of her loss and what he is doing to help ensure her fighting spirit never dies.
Special featureBEWARE the gaze of Medusa: Her beauty may be extraordinary, but hidden behind the diaphanous veils is a story of dreadful destruction.
Special featureIT’S the disease doctors call “the bastard”. A hideous medical riddle that will be solved one day, but most likely not in time for Neale Daniher.