
Former Hobart woman Renee Ferguson to fight Cricket Tasmania theft claims

A former Cricket Tasmania employee will face court on more than 60 charges after she allegedly stole memberships and cash from the organisation.

A FORMER Hobart resident will fight dozens of theft charges after she allegedly stole thousands of dollars in cash and memberships from Cricket Tasmania.

Renee Ferguson, 46, entered a not guilty plea today to 63 counts of stealing and two counts of dishonestly acquiring a financial advantage.

The former Howrah woman, who now lives interstate, was dialled into the Hobart Magistrates Court by telephone today, when she was told her case would go to a half-day hearing on April 2, 2020.

Ms Ferguson’s defence lawyer, Kim Baumeler, will be overseas over summer, the court heard, and April was the first available date.

Prosecutors claim Ms Ferguson fraudulently obtained a $705 Cricket Tasmania junior and platinum membership, a $339 Hobart Hurricanes family membership, and stole $1942 in cash.

In June this year, prosecutors told the court police would investigate further allegations of fraudulent conduct involving sums between $11,000 and $13,000.

Today, the court was told the half-day hearing would hear evidence from two police witnesses and would screen some CCTV footage, but would not view a police interview.

The case has repeatedly been adjourned since it was first in court in July 2018, with Ms Ferguson absent from proceedings on several occasions.

She has provided the court with medical certificates and letters from a psychologist.

The matter will return to court on December 20 for mention ahead of next year’s hearing.

Ms Ferguson was bailed until that date.

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