
The mobile testing clinic in Smithton will remain in place

A mobile testing site at Smithton will remain following news of more confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the area.

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A MOBILE testing clinic is remaining in Smithton following news members of the community were infected with coronavirus.

Health Minister Sarah Courtney said three previously confirmed cases were from the Smithton and Circular Head area.

“They are close contacts of each other and are either directly or not directly linked to the North-West outbreak,” she said. “

It’s an important reminder to us all how quickly coronavirus can spread.”

Two additional cases were confirmed on Monday night, bringing the total number of cases in the state to 214.

The cases were a man and a woman from the North-West, one aged in their 20s and the other in their 60s.

Both were close contacts of previously confirmed cases.


Dr Veitch said people in the North-West, particularly in the Smithton or Circular Head area, were urged to seek testing if they were experiencing any respiratory symptoms.

Dr Veitch also encouraged more people in the North and South to be tested in order to rule out any community transmission. “We want to see at least several hundred people a day,” he said.

Ms Courtney said 593 people were tested on Sunday across Devonport, Burnie and Smithton.

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