
Cotton On manager Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker pleads guilty to defrauding company

A former Cotton On manager has pleaded guilty to fraud amounting more than $11,000, claiming she had a good reason for stealing the money. DETAILS.

Former Cotton On manager Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker leaving Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced for stealing more than $11,000.
Former Cotton On manager Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker leaving Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced for stealing more than $11,000.

A former Cotton On employee has pleaded guilty to fraud amounting more than $11,000, claiming she acted out of selflessness.

Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker pleaded guilty in Toowoomba Magistrates Court on July 9 to dishonestly gain advantage by employee after stealing a total of $11,376.85 over five months from Cotton On Grand Central while employed as a manager.

The court was told that from January 4 to May 11, 2023, the mum of three randomly selected 43 customer receipts and processed refunds in cash and through three personal bank accounts, totalling the full amount.

On May 11, 2023 a loss prevention officer for Cotton On approached Whittaker, 39, regarding the discrepancies; Ms Whittaker then gave a full admission which she later reiterated to police.

Former Cotton On manager Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker leaving Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced for stealing more than $11,000.
Former Cotton On manager Chaunte Kymberley Whittaker leaving Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced for stealing more than $11,000.

Her solicitor Joe McConnell said Whittaker was driven to fraud to support a woman allegedly going through domestic violence and financial abuse, an issue she was intimately familiar with, and used the funds to buy goods for the woman.

“Her mental health, and significantly her domestic violence history, is something I would be placing weight on,” Mr McConnell said.

“She’s known this person who’s then reached out to her in a domestic violence situation

“Just prior to that she had gone to her employer saying ‘I’m struggling with what is occurring’ and she’s been dismissed essentially on her version.

“That combination allowed this offending to occur.”

Mr McConnell argued his client was remorseful and had since taken up a position as a disability support worker.

“She’s actually taken the extra step where she’s told her (new) employers that she is pleading guilty to a charge of fraud,” he said.

Magistrate Kyna Morice said Mr McConnell had practically labelled Whittaker a “modern day Robin Hood”.

“It does seem to be an easy explanation to give to the court that you didn’t actually benefit from this,” she said.

“It’s a difficult submission to accept; however that submission must be seen against your history which has had significant challenges for you in domestically violent relationships.”

Whittaker was placed on a two year probation order, with no restitution to be paid.

No conviction was recorded.

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