
Paul James Woods, 47, pleads guilty in Toowoomba Magistrates Court

An ongoing feud between two men reached breaking point when the pair engaged in a road rage incident on the New England Highway. DETAILS

A lengthy dispute between two Darling Downs men ended in a road rage incident causing more than $8000 in damage.

Paul James Woods, 47, pleaded guilty to one charge of wilful damage in Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Friday.

The court was told police came across what they initially believed was a traffic crash while patrolling the New England Highway, south of Toowoomba back in January.

Prosecutor Nicholas Pratt told the court the incident was revealed to be the result of road rage between Woods, who was the rider of a motorcycle and two occupants of a black Mercedes.

The court was told after Woods’ motorcycle was allegedly forced off the road, he became enraged, taking his helmet to three of the Mercedes windows and shattering them.

It is understood Woods and the driver of the Mercedes were known to each other and had been engaged in a long standing dispute.

The victim and owner of the black Mercedes was present in the back of the courtroom as Woods awaited punishment.

It was revealed the total amount of damage caused to the vehicle was in excess of $8000.

Duty solicitor Paige Hetherington told the court Woods accepted his behaviour was excessive and that he was prepared to pay restitution to the victim by way of the insurance excess.

Magistrate Mark Howden was stern in reminding Woods that his behaviour in taking his helmet to the Mercedes windows was unacceptable.

“A clear message does need to be sent to you that you just can’t behave in this manner,” he said.

Woods was fined $1500 and ordered to pay the victim’s insurance excess of $600.

A conviction was recorded.

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