$20,000 raised in Toowoomba for children in need
With one in six young people living in poverty even before the outbreak of COVID, the pandemic has shone a light on the impact of disadvantage on a child’s education.
All the latest developments on coronavirus in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs.
With one in six young people living in poverty even before the outbreak of COVID, the pandemic has shone a light on the impact of disadvantage on a child’s education.
After a week of delays, a Toowoomba aged care facility has received the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine – see what the residents had to say.
Three hundred thousand doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have landed in Australia as Toowoomba still waits on the first phase of the nationwide rollout.
A number of Toowoomba aged care facilities have had their COVID-19 vaccination sessions postponed, with the Department of Health and its contracted facilitator yet to provide alternate dates.
A TOOWOOMBA consulting company has used their expertise in hygienic food processing to develop free, practical, and informative templates and tools.
THE new COVID-19 regulations for renters and landlords provide a “balanced outcome” for all.
GLENVALE Convenience Plus owner Adam Sack was driving to work at 4am on Saturday when he first saw the sign saying Greenwattle St would be closed from yesterday.
Homeless Outreach Services has been overwhelmed with people volunteering to cook for the homeless.
YellowBridge is growing and changing its services to continue to provide to the community.
A Toowoomba nursery has started delivering plants in order to adapt to coronavirus restrictions.
Sizzler is cooking take away cheese toast for Toowoomba residents.
Easter in isolation has meant some families had to give up their Easter traditions.
AMIDST the shutdown of non-essential services, there are a number of unsung heroes keeping things ticking away in the background.
The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation has received over 50 letters from kids writing to thank hospital staff.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/topics/toowoomba-coronavirus/page/17