‘Never forget you’: Olympic champ’s tribute to Toowoomba teacher
Olympic legend and gold medallist Cathy Freeman says she will “never forget” the impact a Toowoomba teacher had on her career, after his sudden passing.
Olympic legend and gold medallist Cathy Freeman says she will “never forget” the impact a Toowoomba teacher had on her career, after his sudden passing.
Students across Toowoomba have kicked off their first year of schooling this week, and we were there to capture the moment. SEE ALL THE PHOTOS HERE
Not only did Julia Rathie and Janithya Dharmawardhane both score ATARs above 99, they have also committed to medicine this year. Read about the special people who inspired them to become doctors
A small public school and one of Toowoomba’s most elite colleges have been named the big winners from the 2023 NAPLAN results for years 5 and 9. Check out the full list here:
Posh private schools are using taxpayer funds for fencing pistes, orchestra pits and swimming pools as state schools struggle to pay for airconditioning, a teachers’ union claims.
A NEW public school could be announced for a growing part of Toowoomba within days, with documents revealing the State Government wants one established in the area by 2025.
THE P and F Association of a top Toowoomba private school has given a helping hand to the acclaimed and popular rural aid group Drought Angels.
“Bullying, victimisation and violence.’’ A new global education report rates Australian teenagers among the world’s worst bullies.
A worrying drop-out rate in this crucial subject could block many Queensland school leavers from discounted degrees at university next year.
One of the first lessons some Queensland home-school parents will oversee this week will involve the study of “Survival Day” in place of Australia Day.
Home schooling’s a headache for parents working from home during the coronavirus shutdowns and Education Queensland isn’t helping with its boring and baffling lesson plans, writes Natasha Bita.
As part of a new plan to reshape the national school curriculum, the Federal Government is looking at ways to fast-track professionals to retrain as teachers.
Shocking new research reveals one in three Australian high school educators admit they have trouble teaching subject content and with bullying rampant, fewer than half feel confident controlling some of the world’s rowdiest classrooms.
A website offering explicit advice on sexting has been endorsed by Education Queensland, triggering outrage among politicians and child safety advocates.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/toowoomba-education/schools-hub/page/6