

Toowoomba Rugby League subject of fake ‘live stream’ message from bot accounts

Fake accounts are posting scam links to try and trick Toowoomba sporting fans and access their computers. Here’s how to avoid being caught out and falling into their trap.

ATO issues warning on ‘gutless’ scams

SCAMMERS have targeted a Toowoomba sporting league in the hopes of trapping fans of the local football club and gaining access to their computers.

The Toowoomba Rugby League Facebook page has been inundated in with fake accounts posting links related to the league.

The links claim to send readers to a live stream of matches, a service currently not offered by the league.

They have even gone as far as to create a fake TRL page, copying the league’s profile picture and cover photo to make it look realistic.

In response to the fake accounts, the TRL has been on the front foot in blocking and deleting comments to avoid any followers becoming victims to the scam.

Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Pictured is a fake TRL page. Photo: Contributed - Facebook
Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Pictured is a fake TRL page. Photo: Contributed - Facebook

“We’ve reported it to Facebook,” TRL media manager Andrew O’Brien said.

“All we can do is keep on top of it and let it run its course.

“We’ve put a block on the words live and stream. It can be difficult to manage at this early stage.

The TRL’s page has been one of the top-performing Toowoomba sporting sites, growing from 3000 likes in 2013 to over 18,000 followers today.

Such is the reach of the bot accounts, some individual clubs have also been spammed with fake messages.

With regular weekly content produced and distributed to followers, O’Brien said for those viewing the page to be alert, not alarmed if they see one of the fake profiles, and strictly avoid clicking on any links posted from these profiles.

“First of all, don’t be frightened by it. Your computer isn’t going to blow up,” he said.

“There are mechanisms in place to report harassers. Most of our users are social media savvy.”

Users are encouraged to report any suspicious links or activity to minimise the risk and to help the accounts be terminated.

Internet fraud is a major source of wealth loss in Australia, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimating that 11 per cent of residents aged 15 and over were the victims of personal fraud for the last financial year, with card fraud and scams the leading culprits.

Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Photo: Contributed - Facebook
Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Photo: Contributed - Facebook
Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Photo: Contributed - Facebook
Bot accounts have been targeting the Facebook pages of the TRL and some clubs with scam messages. Photo: Contributed - Facebook

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