
Torren James Credaro sentenced for assault occasioning bodily harm

A North Queensland man described by friends as a “peacemaker between others” has lost it at a local McDonalds when he repeatedly punched a man in the face before calmly eating his meal.

An Airlie Beach local described by friends as a “peacemaker between others” has lost it at a local McDonalds when he violently assaulted a man causing him serious injuries.

Torren James Credaro, 51, sat in Proserpine Magistrates Court as CCTV footage of the assault was played, showing him repeatedly punching a man in the face until he collapsed.

Prosecutor Sergeant Emma Myors told the court Credaro had approached a group eating at the Airlie Beach McDonalds and started a conversation with them on August 24.

Sergeant Myors said nothing happened in that initial conversation and the group had left the venue before one of them came back towards Credaro.

Credaro lobbed food at the man before unleashing a flurry of punches at his face until the victim fell to the ground.

He then held the man down on the ground using his left hand on the victim’s face.

Sergeant Myors told the court someone had intervened, pushing Credaro off the man and helping him to a taxi while Credaro “continued to eat his Maccas meal”.

The court heard that the man had been transported to Proserpine hospital and had sustained a fractured nose and fractured right knee, two black eyes, chipped front teeth and ragings to his head.

The court heard Credaro had acted in “self defence” as he had believed the man walked towards him in a “threatening manner”.

Torren James Credaro faced Proserpine Magistrates Court after he assaulted a man in Airlie Beach.
Torren James Credaro faced Proserpine Magistrates Court after he assaulted a man in Airlie Beach.

Counsel barrister Michael Hibble, who was instructed by Salt Legal solicitor Darren Robinson, told the court this behaviour was out of character for Credaro, who had no similar history on his record.

“He doesn’t know how it went pear shaped so easily,” Mr Hibble said adding that his client was extremely remorseful.

“It’s one of these unusual cases your Honour.”

Magistrate Michelle Howard was handed many recommendation letters from friends of Credaro’s who described him as a “mediator and peacemaker between others”.

Credaro pleaded guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm in front of the Proserpine Magistrates Court.

Ms Howard said she recognised “deterrence was very important” and that she would not “downplay the seriousness of [his] acts”.

He was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and fined $1000.

The conviction was not recorded.

Originally published as Torren James Credaro sentenced for assault occasioning bodily harm

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