
Whitsunday drink or drug drivers face Proserpine and Bowen courts

From a golf buggy driver with Alzheimer's who forgot he was drinking to a man controlling a commercial vessel with meth in his system, these 15 drivers made the wrong decision to get behind the wheel.

Christopher Prowse at Proserpine Magistrates Court
Christopher Prowse at Proserpine Magistrates Court

From a few too many beers while out on the boat, to medicinal cannabis at the supermarket, these Whitsunday drink and drug drivers made the wrong decision to get behind the wheel.

Travis John Prior 

Travis John Prior was caught over the limit in a roadside breath test at Midge Point on November 15.

He faced Proserpine Magistrates court charged with driving over the general alcohol limit but not over the middle alcohol limit.

The court heard Prior told police he had six cans of beer that day before recording a reading of 0.076g of alcohol.

Prior, who appeared self represented, told the court it was a “pretty stupid mistake to make”.

Prior pleaded guilty to the charge. He was fined $550 and disqualified from holding or obtaining a license for 2 months.

Convictions were recorded.

Alan John King 

A Hamilton Island man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease drove a golf buggy on Christmas day, thinking he had not had anything to drink.

Alan John King was charged with driving a motor vehicle whilst over the middle alcohol limit but not over the high alcohol limit and appeared via phone in the Proserpine Magistrates Court.

The 78-year-old told police at the time he thought he had not consumed any alcohol that day, he told the court he did not remember the events that took place on 25 December, 2024, due to Alzheimer’s disease.

The court heard King returned a reading of 0.141 grams of alcohol in 210 litres of breath.

King apologised profusely, saying he clearly made some errors and was committed to not driving again in the future.

King pleaded guilty to the charge. He was fined $650 and disqualified from holding or obtaining a drivers license for 5 months.

Convictions were recorded.

Benjamin Michael Gerhard 

The 33-year-old father of four was caught driving without a license while SPUR suspended and driving unregistered while over the general alcohol limit in Proserpine.

Benjamin Michael Gerhard was pulled over just before midnight on December 13 for a random breath test where he returned a positive reading of 0.096 grams of alcohol.

Gerhard told police he had consumed around 10 standard drinks and a double can that evening while working on his vehicle, he then decided to take it for a test drive.

Gerhard faced Proserpine Magistrates Court pleading guilty to the charges.

He received a fine of $400 and was disqualified from holding or obtaining a drivers license for three months for the drink driving charge, a $250 fine and one month disqualification for driving while suspended, and a $387 fine for driving unregistered.

Convictions were recorded.

Courtney Denham 

A cleaner who uses her car to get to and from clients homes tested positive for driving with THC in her system.

Courtney Denham was pulled over for a random drug test in Cannonvale on 8 October, 2024, with results showing she had tetrahydrocannabinol in her saliva, she was charged with driving while a relevant drug is present in blood or saliva.

Denham told the court she used THC for medical reasons.

Magistrate Anna Smith said the decision had to be made, if you decide to take cannabis you can’t drive.

“The problem with medicinal cannabis is they haven’t worked out, it’s unlikely they will, what level you can have in your system,” she said.

“Some people metabolise it quicker than others.”

Denham pleaded guilty to the charge, receiving a $350 fine and a one month disqualification.

Convictions were recorded.

Jackson Tabor Rowe

Jackson Tabor Rowe, 25, was caught over the legal alcohol limit in Jubilee Pocket after a day on the sea.

He faced Proserpine Magistrates Court over the driving over the general alcohol limit charge that took place on January 4.

The court heard Rowe told police he thought he had given himself enough time after drinking six stubbies while out sailing earlier that day.

Testing returned a reading of 0.084 grams of alcohol.

Cleo Rewald of Richards Rewald Lawyers appearing as duty lawyer in this matter said Rowe had lost his job as an arborist over this charge.

Rowe pleaded guilty to the charge and was given a $550 fine and a four month disqualification.

Convictions were recorded.

Marshall Roy Curtis 

Marshall Roy Curtis was pulled over by police when he was seen swerving across the road in Cannonvale, and charged with mid-range drink driving.

He applied for a work license after pleading guilty to the offences that took place on 30 November, 2024.

He returned a reading of 0.118 grams of alcohol in 210 litres of breath.

Curtis received a 4 month disqualification, with a restricted licence allowing him to drive for work, and a $550 fine.

Convictions were recorded.

Karnie Lee

A mother of three was pulled over by police in the Bowen IGA carpark, returning a positive result for cannabis.

The court heard 29-year-old Karnie Lee made full admissions to police on November 7 when she was pulled over, stating she was prescribed cannabis for depression and was a regular user.

Lee was fined $550 and disqualified from holding a license for three months.

Magistrate Anna Smith said if Lee is caught driving in those three months she would receive a minimum two year disqualification.

“That’s a nightmare if you’ve got kids,” she said.

Convictions were recorded.

Malcolm George Lenske

The long time Bowen resident faced court after a random roadside breath test that returned a result of 0.067 grams of alcohol on December 28.

Malcolm George Lenske told police he had consumed three Great Northerns at the Larrikin Hotel before driving.

The court heard Lenske now lives in Delta and had very little support to attend doctors appointments.

Lenske pleaded guilty and received a $350 fine and one month disqualification.

Convictions were recorded.

Christopher Kerk 

A man was caught with drugs in his system while behind the wheel of a commercial fishing vessel.

On 13 November, 2024, Christopher Kerk tested positive for methamphetamine in a random drug test conducted by Whitsunday Water Police off the coast of Bowen.

Kerk was fined $550 after pleading guilty to the charge.

Convictions were recorded.

Drug driver Jenny Patricia Walton at Bowen Magistrates Court
Drug driver Jenny Patricia Walton at Bowen Magistrates Court

Jenny Patricia Walton 

A woman who attended the Proserpine Police Station seeking help was charged with drug driving and driving without a license.

Jenny Patricia Walton was driving home from a weekend of camping with a friend when they began arguing.

Walton told the court she attended the police station on 11 November, 2024, because she wanted the man she had been travelling with to leave her vehicle and she felt it was her only option.

Testing returned a positive result for methylamphetamine.

The 43- year-old cleaner said she was not sure how she would be able to continue working without a license.

Magistrate Anna Smith noted Walton has three of the same charges since 2018, indicating that drug driving was not a one off mistake.

Walton pleaded guilty to both charges.

She was fined $650 and disqualified from holding a license for six months.

Convictions were recorded.

The below drivers avoided having a conviction recorded in court.

Fiona Joy Dale

Fiona Joy Dale tested positive for methylamphetamine and amphetamine on 5 October, 2024, when she was pulled over for random testing in Collinsvale.

Ms Dale told the Bowen Magistrates Court, when she was pulled over she was referred to counselling and has been attending every week since the incident as she believes she needs the help.

The 49-year-old said she was a full time carer for her father.

Dale was fine $350 and disqualified for one month.

Maikali Rakai Nichols 

Maikali Rakai Nichols, 21, and on his P plates was caught drink driving.

He told police he had consumed around 30 drinks the night prior to being pulled over. He was pulled over at around 12.50pm on November 16, with test results displaying a reading of 0.056 grams of alcohol.

Mr Nichols pleaded guilty to the charge of driving over the general alcohol limit as a provisional license holder.

He was fined $450 and disqualified from holding a license for three months.

Jennifer Jane Heit 

Jennifer Jane Heit, 59, was pulled over for a random breath test was over the limit after three glasses of sparking with dinner on December 22 on Shute Harbour Rd.

She pleaded guilty in the Proserpine Magistrates Court to driving over the general alcohol limit, her tests confirming a result of 0.060 grams of alcohol.

Ms Heit pleaded guilty to the charge telling the court she should have known better.

“My previous job was in a mortuary, so I have seen the destruction and I’m usually the biggest advocate anyone will find about drinking and driving,” she said.

“It was just a brain lapse and I have absolutely no excuse.”

She was fined $350 and disqualified for 1 month.

Leonard David Woods

A retired man who just moved to the area was caught over the general alcohol limit in Cannonvale.

Leonard David Woods was stopped for a random breath test, returning a result of 0.063 grams of alcohol.

The court heard he told police he had five drinks while dehydrated on 27 December, 2024, before returning the result.

Woods told the court he had been out on the boat all day and had not had much water.

Woods pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $450 and disqualified for one month.

Jack David Talbot 

A 20-year-old P plater was caught driving in Biloela after having a couple of beers with friends.

Jack David Talbot had one passenger in his vehicle when he was pulled over on 8 November, 2024, for a roadside breath test.

He returned a positive result of 0.032 grams of alcohol after drinking three beers earlier that day.

Talbot pleaded guilty telling the court he knew he was supposed to be zero as a P plater.

He received a $350 fine and three month disqualification.

Originally published as Whitsunday drink or drug drivers face Proserpine and Bowen courts

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