
Nathan Ernest Fletcher sentenced for assaulting two police officers

A man who was too drunk to remember his actions has assaulted two police officers that were helping get him to hospital.

Nathan Ernest Fletcher assaulted two police officers on a drunken night he does not remember.
Nathan Ernest Fletcher assaulted two police officers on a drunken night he does not remember.

A Whitsundays man who was too drunk on bourbon to remember his actions has assaulted two police officers that were helping him get to hospital.

Nathan Ernest Fletcher, 29, was arrested by police for public nuisance in Cannonvale while appearing to be under the influence, before being taken to the watchhouse on December 15.

Prosecutor Sergeant Emma Myors told the court that as Fletcher was put down in a cell, he banged his head on the door, causing a large lump and bleeding to his forehead.

Paramedics were called to the watchhouse to assess him and decided that he needed to be taken to hospital.

Ms Myors said two police officers helped paramedics sedate him, but he showed some resistance, kicking one police officer in the chin “with enough to cause (the constable) to stumble backwards.

Police had to take Fletcher to the ground to sedate him, but before the sedative could take effect, he had time to struck the other officer in the face with his knee.

PD Law solicitor Elizabeth Smith told the court Fletcher had no memory of the evening as he had consumed half a bottle of bourbon on that day.

Ms Smith told the court Fletcher did assault the officers, but that they did not sustain any injuries, “no bruising and no pain”.

She told the court Fletcher had relapsed in his alcohol and drug use but that he had since started to attend Alcoholic Anonymous sessions.

Fletcher pleaded guilty to assaulting two police officers at the Proserpine Magistrates Court.

Magistrate Michelle Howard told Fletcher she would still agree to grant him probation so he could benefit from help from Corrective Services.

He was sentenced to a period of nine months on probation and ordered to pay $300 of compensation to the police officers.

Originally published as Nathan Ernest Fletcher sentenced for assaulting two police officers

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