
Sex offender’s sleepover with child after disgusting bus act

A child sex offender who performed a sex act on a bus and had a sleepover with a 14-year-old failed to tell police he was living with “knee-high” children.

Sex offender Oliver Brady Alcorn didn't tell police he had moved into a home where young children were living.
Sex offender Oliver Brady Alcorn didn't tell police he had moved into a home where young children were living.

A child sex offender who performed a sex act on a bus and had a sleepover with a 14-year-old failed to tell police he was living with "knee-high" children.

Oliver Brady Alcorn didn't tell police he had moved into a Pomona home where young children were living.

Defence lawyer Anna Smith said the 32-year-old man didn't disclose the information because he was staying with a person who was on parole.

Noosa Magistrates Court heard Alcorn was a registered sex offender, previously convicted of four counts of indecent treatment of a child under 16.

Police prosecutor Alison Johnstone said he was previously placed on probation and given an 18-month suspended sentence for the offences which happened on a bus.

"Facts in relation to those matters were masturbating on a bus in front of young girls about the age of 14," Sen Constable Johnstone said.

The court heard Alcorn then failed to report contact he had with a 14-year-old girl.

"She was sleeping over and, for two nights, they had shared a bed," Sen Constable Johnstone said.

"He knew she was 14."

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Sen Constable Johnstone said Alcorn's latest offences regarded his move to a Pomona address where he had contact with young children who also lived there.

"He, himself, said they were knee-height," Sen Constable Johnstone said.

"Clearly vulnerable people."

Alcorn on Tuesday pleaded guilty to three counts of failing to comply with reporting obligations.

Sen Constable Johnstone said the maximum penalty for the offence was five years in jail.

She argued Alcorn should serve actual jail time.

Ms Smith said a period of probation was still within range and would allow him to be supervised longer than a parole order would.

"From the outset, and without trying to offend Mr Alcorn, I will say he is a relatively simple man," she said.

"He knows he has reporting obligations but he doesn't appreciate the seriousness of the lack of compliance."

Sex offender Oliver Brady Alcorn leaves court on parole.
Sex offender Oliver Brady Alcorn leaves court on parole.

She said Alcorn didn't actively seek-out children to have contact with but was kicked out of home and had nowhere to live.

"He contacted the person … and that person allowed him to stay at their house," Ms Smith said.

"The problem was that person did not want him to disclose to anyone he was staying there because that person had just got out of custody and didn't want the police involved with him."

She said he only stayed at the home with the children for a few days before moving in with his brother, another move he failed to report.

She said Alcorn was currently unemployed.

Magistrate Haydn Stjernqvist said he didn't buy the sex offender's story that a friend asked him not to report.

"Even if that's true, with all of your experience and having been through the system of being dealt with and sentenced for the substantive offences that make you a reportable offender … you know exactly what you need to be doing to stay away from here and you're not doing it," Mr Stjernqvist said.

"Now that's a concern, if not sinister."

Alcorn was sentenced to six months in jail with immediate release on parole.

Mr Stjernqvist said if Alcorn failed to report again he would serve actual time in jail.

*For 24-hour sexual violence support call the national hotline 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or MensLine on 1800 600 636.


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