
Hawke's death a sad reminder of how far pollies have fallen

Former PM's death hits home just how far leadership credentials have fallen among elected few.

REVERED: Former PM Bob Hawke's death has given time to pause and consider just how far our leaders have fallen. Picture: Tessa Mapstone
REVERED: Former PM Bob Hawke's death has given time to pause and consider just how far our leaders have fallen. Picture: Tessa Mapstone


ONE thing was made abundantly clear when Bob Hawke died on the cusp of the election.

Regardless of the outcome of this weekend's vote, we just don't have leaders of his ilk anymore.

There are four PMs I hear most when people talk of substantial former leaders.

Menzies, Howard, Whitlam and Hawke.

Hawke sits a long way above the others, in terms of public appreciation.

But when you look at the current crop of pollies in Canberra, you just can't help but scratch your head and wonder where it all went so wrong.

Self-interest and representing the interests of a select few has overtaken so much of Canberra.

Gone are the days of politicians fuelled on by the sole desire to represent their people and improve the lives of the everyday Australian.

Big business holds so much sway over our elected representatives.

Much more than we, the people, could ever hope to wield.

But it always surprises me just how much we underestimate our strength.

We are the ones with the power to decide who sits in those halls of power.

So why do we roll over and settle for poor representation time and again?


Or are we just so disillusioned in the whole sorry saga that we genuinely have no belief in our politicians any more?

I reckon it's a combination of the two.

And it has to stop.

The longer we stay disengaged, the further our leaders will slide into the abyss.

Originally published as Hawke's death a sad reminder of how far pollies have fallen

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