
Drunk driver flips car after losing control in ‘chilling’ crash

The Stanthorpe man was more than three times the limit when he crashed his car while driving three other people through a busy intersection.

A drunk driver has flipped his car after losing control while turning a corner at speed on a busy Stanthorpe intersection. Picture: iStock
A drunk driver has flipped his car after losing control while turning a corner at speed on a busy Stanthorpe intersection. Picture: iStock

A drunk driver flipped his car with three passengers inside, after losing control while turning a corner ‘at speed’ through a busy Stanthorpe intersection.

Police prosecutor Steve de Lissa told the Stanthorpe Magistrates Court Jarrod Andrew Irwin attempted to turn left onto Folkstone Street from Davadi Street on June 19 at 5pm.

“He came into the corner too fast and tried to turn left and lost control of the vehicle causing it to overturn,” Sergeant de Lissa said.

The 27-year-old later returned a blood alcohol concentration of 0.164.

Sergeant de Lissa said police determined no other vehicle or substance on the road caused the crash.

“(Irwin) admitted he’d probably driven over this road a thousand times and his manner of driving was the sole reason contributing to the crash,” he said.

At the time of the incident, Stanthorpe police Senior Constable Matt Shield said there were three uninjured passengers in the car.

The self-represented Irwin said he was regretful of his “stupid” actions and wouldn’t do it again.

Magistrate Julian Noud said the Stanthorpe man’s actions endangered the lives of those in the car, other motorists and pedestrians.

“It was a very serious event, and one that is seen regularly by the courts where people are killed. It’s frankly quite chilling,” Mr Noud said.

Irwin pleaded guilty to one count each of driving under the influence of liquor and driving without due care and attention.

He was fined $1550 and disqualified from driving for 10 months.

Originally published as Drunk driver flips car after losing control in ‘chilling’ crash

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