

Young man accused of killing mum Rene Latimore has charge downgraded

A 20-year-old police allege killed Queensland mum Rene Latimore has been released on bail after a last-minute change to his case.

Ms Latimore, 31, was reported missing from the Koumala area on August 18, 2021 and police believe the mum of one was last seen alive about one week earlier on August 9.
Ms Latimore, 31, was reported missing from the Koumala area on August 18, 2021 and police believe the mum of one was last seen alive about one week earlier on August 9.

A young man accused of killing Mackay region mum Rene Latimore will be released from custody on bail more than two years after he was arrested for her alleged murder as the prosecution downgraded the charge.

In an 11th hour decision during a committal hearing, the prosecution instead opted to commit the 20 year old, who has been behind bars on remand since November 2021, for manslaughter and drop the murder charge, a court heard.

No pleas have been entered and Magistrate Damien Dwyer granted the youth bail, on the grounds he was at risk of spending too much time in custody.

The case was mentioned in Mackay Children’s Court on Tuesday when the media was granted access to report on the matter now the charge had been downgraded.

Prosecutor Sergeant Sean Franklin, in objecting to bail, argued the allegations were serious and the youth, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was a risk of endangering the safety and welfare of the public based on evidence heard over 12 days of a committal hearing.

The body of Rene Latimore, 31, was found on Sunday afternoon at the Ilbilbie property where she’d been staying with her father, stepmother and 14-year-old son. Photo : Daryl Wright
The body of Rene Latimore, 31, was found on Sunday afternoon at the Ilbilbie property where she’d been staying with her father, stepmother and 14-year-old son. Photo : Daryl Wright

The Daily Mercury was prohibited from including any information in relation to that evidence or the allegations.

Defence barrister Scott Moon argued the evidence put forward during the committal had been “diminished and weakened” to such degree there was a “weak case” for the (youth) to answer for this matter.

Mr Moon further stated if Mr Dwyer did not agree it was a “weak case” then “it’s not a very strong case”.

The youth was 17 when he was arrested and charged with murder on November 26, 2021 three months after Ms Latimore was last seen alive.

A 17 year old boy was charged with her murder, but almost two and a half years later prosecutors have dropped the murder charge.
A 17 year old boy was charged with her murder, but almost two and a half years later prosecutors have dropped the murder charge.

Since then, the case has met with significant delays linked to forensic testing.

It is understood he and Ms Latimore were known to each other.

Ms Latimore, 31, was reported missing from the Koumala area on August 18, 2021 and police believe the mum of one was last seen alive about one week earlier on August 9.

Police allege she was killed that evening or early morning the following day.

The youth has instead been charged with manslaughter and has been granted bail.
The youth has instead been charged with manslaughter and has been granted bail.

On Sunday, August 30 her body was found at an Ilbilbie property now owned by Mackay Regional Councillor Marty Bella, who it is understood was called as part of the committal proceedings.

There is no suggestion of wrongdoing on Mr Bella’s part.

Mr Dwyer said he did not believe the youth was a flight risk and that there was a real risk he could spend more time in custody on remand than if convicted, given there could be up to a 12 months delay before the matter is listed for a trial in Mackay Supreme Court.

The youth elected to a trial by jury, the court heard.

Mr Dwyer further did not believe the youth was a risk of endangering others. He granted bail on strict conditions including no contact orders and weekly reporting.
The youth must also live at a certain address within the Mackay region and cannot approach certain places.

Originally published as Young man accused of killing mum Rene Latimore has charge downgraded

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