$6.5m congestion buster will close busy highway exit
A busy Brisbane highway will close one of its busiest motorway ramps in a $6.5 million effort by Ipswich City Council and the Queensland Government to improve safety and bust congestion.
A busy Brisbane highway will close one of its busiest motorway ramps in a $6.5 million effort by Ipswich City Council and the Queensland Government to improve safety and bust congestion.
Greener grass, bluer skies, less mould on the roof — an Aussie home listing’s photoshop fail has revealed the tricks used to entice people to buy.
A prestigious secondary college with a master plan for development has revealed the next instalment of it’s large-scale transformation.
The mega developers behind Australia’s largest masterplanned city, southwest of Brisbane, are taking a major retirement living provider to court over predicted delays on a $1 billion seniors project.
More than 800 new homes proposed to Ipswich City Council have made big moves forward in a week, as developers race to solve the city’s housing crisis.
Australia’s fastest interest rate rise in 28 years has hit Queensland homebuyers seven times worse than homeowners, with borrowing power cut by 21.61 per cent after the latest RBA rise.
Start ups and switched-on buyers are overcoming the deposit barrier with alternative ways to get into their own door sooner.
Existing and hopeful residents of Ipswich could soon benefit from a major residential development of more than 160 townhouses and a public park with areas for play, walking, and cycling. SEE THE PLANS.
More than 130 petitioners are fighting the development of a community hub on one of Ipswich’s “last remaining” parcels of “untouched” land, but its developers say they have duly considered the environment.
New data has revealed where in Ipswich it is best to live and invest in 2022. Find a comprehensive list of the hottest suburbs and most expensive homes, as well as who currently owns them.
Prices are being slashed on properties in a number of Queensland suburbs, with discounts of up to $200,000 to be found for those willing to shop around.
Fourteen Queensland towns and suburbs recorded eye-watering price growth above 50 per cent in the past year, with one small but mighty locale leading the charge. See the top performers.
Hundreds of desperate Queensland renters have been targeted by scammers taking advantage of the state’s housing crisis, with authorities revealing just how much they have lost so far.
The Aussie megastar’s new luxury apartment in the Manhattan neighbourhood of Chelsea has jaw-dropping views of the New York City and the Hudson River. See inside.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/queensland/ipswich/property/page/5