Sunshine CoastCOOLUM Cinema owner Noel Atkinson would personally apologise to movie-goers if the old projector in his makeshift theatre broke down during a screening.
Community NewsRegional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett (RDAWBB) has put out the call for a Deputy Chair
BusinessQueensland Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer is visiting Maryborough and Hervey Bay later this month, to help small local businesses recover from COVID-19 setbacks.
ChinchillaTWO banned Northern Rivers swimming holes are still frequently visited by locals and tourists despite local councils warning of safety and health risks.
Community NewsDo you have an interest in leadership, the political process, or helping the Hervey Bay community? 2021’s YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament may be your perfect fit
Fraser CoastThe Member for Maryborough and his wife Jenny have been enthusiastic supporters of the Divine Dunnies campaign since it began a year ago.
BusinessA SPECIAL report into the state of the region reveals the top 10 industries in terms of employment on the Sunshine Coast.
OpinionChris Sparks reminds us that education is more than just learning what you are told
Fraser CoastNew expressions of interest will be put to the community following fresh proposals.
Fraser CoastAustralia Day award winners reflect on what awards mean to them.