‘Farcical’: Peter Beattie’s stunning intervention over ‘silly politics’
Peter Beattie has blasted the Queensland government for using him as a deflection for its failings in what is his most striking intervention in politics in 16 years.
Peter Beattie has blasted the Queensland government for using him as a deflection for its failings in what is his most striking intervention in politics in 16 years.
Queensland’s public hospital workers are copping abuse at work at staggering levels, with new data revealing an average of nearly 40 incidents a day across the state.
Queenslanders with storm-damaged houses are being warned they could be waiting more than two years for repairs, but it’s not just them who are set to suffer, with the cost of all renovations and new builds expected to skyrocket.
Queensland Premier Steven Miles says he has reached out to the CEOs from major supermarkets amid concerns over a mass farmer walkout and fears up to 30 per cent of fresh food could be lost and prices soar.
Neighbours have told of seeing a paramedic leaving a Toowoomba home in tears after an eight-year-old girl was found dead by police, leading to a man and woman being charged with murder, torture and failure to provide necessities of life.
Three young offenders treated police to a high-speed game of cat and mouse as they attempted to evade arrest. Police say they observed it run a red light at speed.
Think you can get a fake vaccination certificate online? Think again. You could quickly fall victim to cyber criminals, writes Kathy Sundstrom
Covid is now almost everywhere in regional Queensland with the latest figures revealing new cases in Goondiwindi, the Lockyer Valley, Maranoa, the Burnett, Somerset and Western Downs. SEE YOUR SUBURB’S CASE NUMBERS.
After a horror year on Queensland roads, we’re taking a moment to remember the lives lost on Western Queensland roads after one of the worst years for fatalities. See the faces we lost here:
A reportedly stolen vehicle has been used to cause extensive damage to two businesses overnight in a brazen crime strike. HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW:
‘For 173m he continued to drive until he eventually stopped.. Sarah was being dragged under the car at that time’ – read this young girl’s incredible tale of survival.
From Grace Tame’s spine-tingling Australian of the Year speech to Brittany Higgins, Sue Clarke and Kate Jenkins driving change, a throng of strong women raised their voices in 2021, resulting in politicians delivering awkward and cringe-worthy responses. Journalist SHERELE MOODY reflects on the year women roared.
A pair of stunning but vulnerable parrots are safely back home after a woman carried out a brazen daytime theft right under the nose of staff. Now, the owner is thanking the community for banding together to help solve the shocking crime.
Guests will be staying at Toowoomba’s new quarantine facility within weeks, as the first stage at Wellcamp nears completion. See the photos here.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/queensland/chinchilla/page/195