Lack of housing and childcare making life difficult in North Burnett
As the North Burnett Regional Council gathers community input for its new corporate plan, housing and childcare availability have been revealed as among the top issues.
As the North Burnett Regional Council gathers community input for its new corporate plan, housing and childcare availability have been revealed as among the top issues.
Neighbours in a beachside suburb in Queensland say they’re living beside the house from hell and fear nobody and nothing will help them.
A proposed 1200ha solar farm between Monto and Eidsvold has met with backlash from the local community, and follows an incident earlier this month where angry protesters tore down the fence around another nearby solar farm.
Ahead of a weekend protest, property owners say dreams for their land west of Bundaberg have been dashed after a global conglomerate of solar power providers set up shop quite literally in their backyard. DETAILS.
A development application lodged with the North Burnett Regional Council by Ellendee Park and Accommodation could help ease the housing and rental crisis in the region.
House prices across the five Wide Bay Burnett regional areas are still climbing as the state’s property market continues a run dubbed ‘impressive’ by one industry expert.
Sydney’s swankiest apartment is back on the market, with a high-profile Luxe Listings agent dropped and the new team tasked with selling the six-bedroom unit spending $500,000 on staging.
There are currently 25 Australian cities, including three state capitals, with a population of 50,000 or more and a median house price below $750,000. Three of those are in the Wide Bay. See the full list:
An old motel on Hervey Bay’s esplanade will be demolished to make way for a modern “medium to high-rise” complex. DETAILS.
A pub-loving pair behind the restoration of multiple iconic Brisbane buildings has fallen in love with another riverside city, breathing life into three long-closed historic hotels – the oldest of which will open this weekend.
There are new fears Queensland graziers are reaching breaking point with revelations some are being charged more than $100,000 annually in rural rates from their local council.
A fishing village’s chance to become the next Whitsundays is on ice as a $250m development collapses and goes on the market.
A longstanding, key player in the Queensland construction industry has revealed the harsh reality of rising costs and how he’s stayed successful amid a spate of builder busts.
A group of individuals with a passion for Bundaberg’s history have submitted the Old Nurses’ Quarters of the Bundaberg Hospital for official heritage listing, fearful of it meeting the same fate as the Anzac Pool.
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