Major crackdown on dodgy landlords
Landlords looking to dodge their tax obligations have been put on notice by the ATO, thanks to new data matching technology.
Landlords looking to dodge their tax obligations have been put on notice by the ATO, thanks to new data matching technology.
A petition about the state of the Beach Milieu Urban Wetland is high on the agenda for the first council meeting of the year.
More than $5bn worth of developments are coming for the Gold Coast – but experts say it’s just a drop in the ocean of what’s needed. Read our special report on the city’s deepening housing crisis.
A South Korean pension fund giant will inject $700m into the country’s largest student accommodation company.
Despite a crippling housing crisis and a developer “ready to go”, this site, which is approved for 4000 homes and 10,000 residents, lies idle. Now the PM himself has been asked to intervene.
There’s a big change coming for a popular cafe in the heart of Burleigh Heads which was previously linked to controversial one-time reality star turned conspiracy theorist Pete Evans.
A $2bn, four-tower mega development next to one of the Gold Coast’s biggest shopping centres will take a big step forward. WHAT IT MEANS
The former Liberal staffer has faced an uphill battle trying to sell her French countryside abode and has been forced to significantly drop the asking price. See the photos.
A once-basic bush camp, which has been transformed into 12 acres of eco-glamping offerings soon to feature tiny houses and a bar is tipped to become a popular tourist attraction. DETAILS.
From passing on Meriton’s empire and addressing Australia’s “avoidable” housing crisis to surviving a near-death scare, Harry Triguboff opens up in a rare interview. See the video.
Developers plan to convert 6.6ha of land into 56 new housing blocks adjacent to agricultural land in Bundaberg North.
A Taiwanese bubble-wrap kingpin has unveiled plans for a giant beachfront supertower in central Broadbeach which will become the suburb’s tallest structure. SEE THE PICTURES
The fate of a $650m mega-development ‘unlike anything in Australia’ is becoming clearer as the man behind it reveals his future plans. WHAT HE SAID.
Dazzling displays of Christmas joy have gone up and continue to go up across our region and we have compiled a list of the best of them and where they are located. Now it’s time to cast your vote for the home you think has the best lights of them all. VOTE HERE:
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