
Bolt: Germany IS killings must be a wake-up call for reckless Albo

The brutal stabbing attack by a Syrian refugee in Germany tragically highlights the dangers of treating asylum seekers as a test of a good heart rather than national security.

German police probe deadly mass stabbing at festival

Pray for the sake of our safety that Anthony Albanese checked what’s happened last Friday in Solingen, an obscure town in Germany.

Yes, the Prime Minister seems not to have learnt from the five Australians already killed here in jihadist attacks by Muslim refugees, and issued tourist visas to nearly 3000 Palestinian “refugees” from Gaza without even an interview.

ASIO, our top intelligence agency, said they were being let in even if they “rhetorically” supported the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza.

But maybe now the murder of three Germans in the tragi-comedy of Solingen will make Albanese see how foolish he’s been.

No European country has accepted more “refugees” than Germany. In 2015 and 2016 alone, it took in 1.1 million asylum seekers, most from Muslim Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Since then, Islamist radicals have shot, stabbed and run down Germans. In the worst attack, 13 people were killed in Berlin.

Unsurprisingly, this and other signs of radicalism have rattled many Germans, but in Solingen, the current mayor, a Christian of the Left-wing Social Democratic Party, complained it was “shameful” Germany didn’t take in even more refugees.

Mayor of Solingen Tim Kurzbach delivers a statement on the deadly stabbings that left three dead and eight injured. Picture: Getty Images
Mayor of Solingen Tim Kurzbach delivers a statement on the deadly stabbings that left three dead and eight injured. Picture: Getty Images

Like Albanese with his Palestinians, mayor Tim Kurzbach treated refugees as a test of a good heart, not of national security.

He declared Solingen a “Safe Haven” city, boasting he’d rented hundreds of apartments for refugees: “We in Solingen can manage to really welcome and integrate people.”

It was, Kurzbach preached, “the first Christian duty”.

What’s more, to celebrate Solingen’s 650th anniversary, the local council this weekend held a “Festival der Viefalt” – a Festival of Diversity, with stalls and acts to showcase what other cultures had added.

How ironic – or educative – that it was at this diversity festival on Friday that a Muslim refugee showcased his own “diversity”.

This 26-year-old, identified as “Issa al H.” by Germany’s Spiegel newspaper, had been granted a protection visa after coming to Germany as a refugee from Syria two years ago, and now rewarded Solingen for its openness by stabbing eight people, allegedly, and killing three.

The other five are in a serious condition, because police said Issa aimed at their throats.

That may not be a coincidence. Islamists have cited the Koran (Verse 8:12) as a command to do just that: “I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks”.

Candles and flowers left near the area where three people were killed and several injured during a knife attack during an arts festival in Solingen. Picture: AFP
Candles and flowers left near the area where three people were killed and several injured during a knife attack during an arts festival in Solingen. Picture: AFP

The Islamic State has even published many videos showing it ritually cutting the throats of “unbelievers”, including Western captives.

True, Germany’s interior minister has for now not classified the Solingen massacre as a terror attack, but the Amaq News Agency, linked to the Islamic State, claimed it was.

It said Issa was an Islamic State member and stabbed a “group of Christians” out of “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere”.

Germany’s security agencies said they had no idea he was a radical.

Police have since arrested two more Muslims, at least one in a refugee centre, reportedly on suspicion of knowing about Issa’s plans and not reporting them.

Let me be clear. I am absolutely not saying the 3000 Palestinians who Albanese and his ministers decided to let in from Gaza without even an interview are all potential terrorists.

Absolutely not. Most – maybe all – want only peace.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should think twice before handing out tourist visas to Palestinians without so much as an interview. Picture: Martin Ollman
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should think twice before handing out tourist visas to Palestinians without so much as an interview. Picture: Martin Ollman

But what if one or two are radical and hate the West? Think of the harm they could do here.

This isn’t a baseless suspicion, unless you’re a self-admiring naif who thinks everyone who comes here is just like you, shucking off any awkward bits of their own culture the second they breathe our air.

The Islamist terror plots here should have been warning enough, but just look at Gaza. See for yourself the videos from Gaza on the website of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

You’ll see that under the rule of the Hamas terrorist group, kindergartens and schools in Gaza have staged concerts where children brandish toy guns in mock wars against Jews; Palestinian television has starred children saying they want to kill Jews, and parents saying they’ve raised their children to be martyrs in fighting Jews; and imams have given televised sermons urging Muslims to “slaughter” Jews.

Can all these Palestinian refugees who Albanese is letting in really have been left immune to 18 years of the Hamas propaganda of violent hatred and anti-Semitism?

Albanese has been as reckless as he’s been blind. He seems another Tim Kurzbach, with full heart and empty brain. He now must hope to high heaven some Australian town or suburb won’t be another Solingen.

Originally published as Bolt: Germany IS killings must be a wake-up call for reckless Albo

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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