Why major egg farm plans to build new workers’ accommodation
Plans have been lodged by a major egg producer for a new workers accommodation on its property — and the reason for the submission has been revealed.
Plans have been lodged by a major egg producer for a new workers accommodation on its property — and the reason for the submission has been revealed.
It worked for the second range crossing, and Toowoomba Regional Council is hoping it will work again, with signs now erected advocating for Toowoomba To Brisbane fast rail.
A coal seam gas company has been fined after almost 800,000L of contaminated water from CSG operations in the Western Downs was released during a heavy rain event some two years ago.
A controversial service station west of Toowoomba will cost an extra $1m to build according to the developer, after he won his appeal against the council’s decision in court.
The Millmerran Rail Group has long held concerns about the government’s preferred route for the Inland Rail’s Border to Gowrie section. A new report doesn’t seem to have allayed those concerns.
Just over four months since it was requested by Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, the Department of Infrastructure has quietly published an independent review of the Border to Gowrie Inland Rail route.
More than three years after it was burned to the ground, there is finally activity at the site of the old Amigo’s restaurant in the Toowoomba CBD.
It took $15 million to build and features a state-of-the-art emergency department and radiology centre. Now’s your chance to check it out without having to arrive in the back of an ambulance.
It’s one of the last remaining open blocks of land in Cranley, next to the future site of the new Toowoomba Hospital, and now a developer has resubmitted plans to transform it into a housing estate.
IT’S a familiar sight to travellers as they head along the Warrego Hwy to the west of Toowoomba, and now the owner has lodged plans to redevelop the site.
It was first proposed in April 2019 in a quiet East Toowoomba street, but more than a year on, the proponent has withdrawn plans for a multi-unit development.
A local council has called upon the State Government to rectify a series of issues in the region, including travel avenues between the metropolitan cities and the regions.
Work on the construction of a new aged care facility north of Toowoomba worth tens of millions is nearing completion and expected to be finished by March 2021.
One of Toowoomba’s top developers has been approved to add a new shop on the ground floor of a major new residential tower near the CBD.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/development/page/108