Grim rental effect of Aussie WFH trend
The rise of Australians with their own home office has contributed to Australia’s rental property shortage, a senior RBA official has warned.
The rise of Australians with their own home office has contributed to Australia’s rental property shortage, a senior RBA official has warned.
Stoking the case for rate cuts this year, the unemployment rate moved sharply higher in April.
Debate is swirling that the budget is “smoke and mirrors” and a cash splash risks interest rates being hiked or staying higher for longer.
Workers, already under pressure from inflation, saw their wages slide last quarter but there is some good news for homeowners.
Businessman Mark Bouris says there is a “big chance” Australia will slip into a recession, possibly by the end of this month, as cost of living pressures continue to grow.
Millions of Australians will be slugged with a 7.1 per cent increase on their student loans as of today amid calls for intervention.
According to leading economic research firm Capital Economics, the RBA may need to contemplate an awful move for homeowners
The Reserve Bank governor has made a depressing suggestion to Aussies wondering how they will afford another rent hike, with prices tipped to rise 10 per cent.
Australian renters in some suburbs have seen prices soar lately, with some paying as much as $32,000 extra every year to keep a roof over their heads.
Families looking to find their first home have faced another setback, with one banking giant making an unpopular move.
Fewer Australians are listing buying their own home as their number one financial priority with two other goals taking the lead in terms of importance.
Australians coming off low interest rate Covid-era home loans are falling into the trap of mortgage prison, stuck and unable to refinance.
One of Australia’s major banks has made a big change to its refinancing policy, which will be welcome news to homeowners battling spiking interest rates.
As Australians have been slugged with 11 rate hikes since May last year, many are hoping for them to be slashed. But it would spell bad news for some.
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