
Russia will regenerate into even bigger danger, warns British army chief

Putin’s ambition to restore ‘historic Russia’ means any defeats may be temporary and could see the nation re-emerge as an even greater threat to European security.

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a toast during a video call in Moscow this week, as fears grow that Russia is learning from its early mistakes against Ukraine. Picture: AFP
Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a toast during a video call in Moscow this week, as fears grow that Russia is learning from its early mistakes against Ukraine. Picture: AFP

Russia will most likely emerge from the war in Ukraine as an “even greater threat” to European security, the new head of the British Army has said.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, who has been in post less than two weeks, said Russia’s resilience meant it could suffer the loss of any number of campaigns, battles and engagements but then “regenerate and still ultimately prevail”.

He said that given President Putin’s ambition to restore the lands of “historic Russia”, any respite would be “temporary and the threat would become even more acute” after Russia replenishes its capabilities after defeats in Ukraine.

General Sir Patrick Sanders talks with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. He has warned of an even stronger Russia emerging from the Ukraine conflict. Picture: Getty Images
General Sir Patrick Sanders talks with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. He has warned of an even stronger Russia emerging from the Ukraine conflict. Picture: Getty Images

Analysts believe Russia is learning from its mistakes, enabling it to make slow but steady progress in the eastern Donbas region. Speaking as leaders gathered in Madrid for the NATO summit, General Sanders said that Russian wars often started badly. “History has also shown us that armies that have tasted defeat learn more quickly,” he said in his first public speech as chief of the general staff, at the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London.

He added: “We don’t yet know how the war in Ukraine will end but in most scenarios, Russia will be an even greater threat to European security after Ukraine than it was before.”

His comments put him at odds with ministers and officials who have downplayed Russia’s military capability because of the manpower and equipment it has lost since February 24.

In Germany on Tuesday on the final day of the G7 summit, Boris Johnson said he did not believe there would be a wider war in Europe. “I don’t think it will come to that,” he said. “Clearly we are working very hard to confine this to Ukraine. Putin and the Kremlin are going to try to widen the conflict and say that this is something to do between NATO and Russia – that is not it at all. This is about an invasion of an independent sovereign country. It is about the West and the friends of Ukraine giving them the support they need.”

However, General Sanders, 56, said soldiers and officers of all ranks must be prepared to “fight and win” to prevent the spread of war in Europe as he warned he had never seen such a clear threat to peace and democracy as the “brutal aggression” of Mr Putin. He said “this is our 1937 moment” and that the British Army “must act rapidly” to ensure the UK is not drawn into a war because it failed to stop Russian expansion.

A rescuer walks in a crater in the ruins of a school building partially destroyed by two rockets in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on June 28, 2022. Picture: AFP
A rescuer walks in a crater in the ruins of a school building partially destroyed by two rockets in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on June 28, 2022. Picture: AFP

The army has launched Operation Mobilise to prevent war with Russia, which General Sanders said would involve the “ruthless prioritisation” of tasks and resources. He pledged to remove “barnacles that slow us down” so decisions could be made with less bureaucracy. Speaking alongside Ben Wallace, the UK Defence Secretary, who announced troop cuts last year but has since called for more defence spending, General Sanders said it would be “perverse” if he were to advocate reducing the size of the army “as a land war rages in Europe and Putin’s territorial ambitions extend into the rest of the decade, and beyond Ukraine”.

NATO allies are in Madrid discussing an overhaul of the alliance’s defences in its eastern flank. Jens Stoltenberg, NATO secretary-general, has said 300,000 troops will be committed to NATO’s high readiness force aimed at preventing war with Russia. Under plans being thrashed out by allies over the next few days, the force will be more deployable, with equipment stationed in vulnerable states and increased training.

“Deterring Russia means more of the army ready more of the time, and ready for high-intensity war in Europe,” General Sanders said. He also warned of “diminished stockpiles” as a result of the UK giving away kit to Ukraine.

Mr Wallace said last week that allies would be unable to sustain a long term “offensive” war because they did not have enough ammunition.

The Times

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