Shops bounce back after pandemic but rate rises loom
The part owner of Melbourne’s landmark Chadstone shopping centre has boosted its earnings outlook while a rival has splashed out $180m on property as deals defy the tougher environment.
The part owner of Melbourne’s landmark Chadstone shopping centre has boosted its earnings outlook while a rival has splashed out $180m on property as deals defy the tougher environment.
The shopping centre landlord has shrugged off the Omicron wave and says confidence is rising as shoppers surge back into suburban malls.
The battle for the former AMP Capital business has now switched to big shopping centres but incoming owner Dexus is confident it will keep the funds.
Big name investors are getting ready to splash the cash as the starter’s gun is fired for the year’s biggest mall battle, which is being fought out in the Brisbane suburbs.
There have been suggestions in recent months that David Di Pilla’s Home Consortium has been considering a tilt at GPT or Vicinity Centres.
Vicinity says spending is coming back as confidence rises and its centres are benefiting.
The department store has been slapped with a lawsuit by Vicinity Centres, landlord of its famed flagship store in the heart of Melbourne.
Vicinity Centres’ move on Gold Coast’s Harbour Town shows the strength of the shopping centre market as big ticket sales come back.
The shopping centre giant posts a $258m full year loss but says malls will bounce back once vaccination rates rise.
Billionaire John Gandel and Vicinity Centres are forging ahead with a huge expansion of the shopping centre that could house 2000 office workers.
Times continue to be tough for shopping centres, with mall landlord Vicinity reducing the value of a key Victorian mall.
Morgan Stanley has warned of a lockdown hit on shopping mall owners, including Chadstone owner Vicinity Centres.
The hot assets would be in demand from listed investors who have embraced them after the crisis
Victoria’s controversial lockdowns have won support from an unexpected quarter, with the boss of the owner of Melbourne’s biggest mall swinging in behind them.
Cuts to the value of Vicinity’s shopping centre portfolio follow pandemic blows to CBDs, with more pain expected.
Recovery of our CBDs should be prioritised by state and local governments as a critical area, says Vicinity Centres chief Grant Kelley.
Retail property landlord Vicinity Centres is planning to pay a distribution for this half as it expects shoppers to return to its properties.
Shopping centre landlord Vicinity Centres is understood to be the latest property group that is looking to compete for AMP’s real estate platform.
The owner of the local Westfield empire has fired a fresh shot in the battle between landlords and tenants, saying it collected 86 per cent of rents in August.
The country’s biggest shopping centres are suffering sharp falls in values, amid predictions rents paid by retailers could fall 20pc.
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