explainerDietAvian influenza has again been found on Victorian poultry farms. It’s not the strain spreading worldwide killing birds, cats and elephant seals – and infecting people – nor last year’s variant that caused national egg shortages. But you do need to understand the concerns.
medicinesHealthJohnson & Johnson has been accused of marketing and selling ineffective nasal decongestant medicines to Australians for nearly two decades.
ENVIRONMENT ALERTHealthAustralia may soon follow changes made to asthma treatment and management in the UK, where doctors have been advised to stop prescribing blue puffers.
VACCINE DILEMMAI am one of the country’s most senior doctors and I am facing the same questions as you about when and if I should have the next Covid-19 booster vaccine.
Public healthMedicalNew research shows that 12 per cent of children in the outer suburbs develop asthma, compared with only 6 per cent in the inner city
HealthMedicalThe bad news is that coughs and sneezes are lingering longer – but you can avoid them. Start with vitamin D and a hot drink
Peta Bee
MedicalBushfires, thunderstorm asthma and of course Covid-19 have made it imperative to get the best air filtration.
Alice Clarke