Firestorms threaten to widen path of disaster
Catastrophic conditions forecast for lethally dry tracts of NSW, Queensland and Perth’s suburban surrounds will intensify a deadly disaster.
Catastrophic conditions forecast for lethally dry tracts of NSW, Queensland and Perth’s suburban surrounds will intensify a deadly disaster.
The deadly bushfires raging across northern NSW have been declared a catastrophe by the Insurance Council of Australia.
Daniel Provost tears up when recalling the battle to tame the “wall of fire” that roared over his family’s home for five hours.
A monster bushfire on a 50km front is emergency services’ main concern in Queensland, having already destroyed 16 properties.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has praised the incredible spirit of Australians during an emotional visit to fire-devastated communities in NSW.
Authorities have issued a catastrophic fire danger warning for Sydney and the Hunter on Tuesday.
A grandmother defending her home and a man trapped in a car among those killed in nightmare weekend.
A remote forested community built around a hippie commune where two people died was like a ‘war’ zone, local tells.
At least two homes have been destroyed as firefighters struggle to contain out-of-control bushfires.
Hours before a bushfire engulfed her home in northern NSW, Gwen Hyde called a friend for advice.
Australia needs to curb spending on cleaning up after disasters and more on preparing for them, insurers say.
Queensland’s early-season bushfire emergency has forced firefighters to rethink what should be considered normal.
A radical approach is needed to address the water crisis.
Victorian emergency services will use a record-high number of aircraft to combat the state’s upcoming bushfire season.
Last week’s bushfires had journalists rushing to share alarmist views. It’s easier than checking them.
Traditional practices of looking after the land have prevented bushfires in the past.
At a cost of $800k a month, water will be trucked into burnt Stanthorpe as town runs dry.
Scott Morrison will hand out 13-week payments to people affected by bushfires in southeast Queensland and northern NSW.
Scott Morrison is traveling to meet with families hit by recent bushfires, as authorities fear blazes could spark up again.
Fire conditions in Queensland and NSW are expected to worsen as authorities prepare for another hellish week.
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