Tax us for care, not for profits
Australians will accept an income levy to pay for better aged care ‘if the money goes into services, not the pockets of providers’.
Australians will accept an income levy to pay for better aged care ‘if the money goes into services, not the pockets of providers’.
More than half of the people in nursing homes in 2019 had a diagnosis of one of the forms of dementia.
A blank cheque and 100,000 more homecare packages will not fix the broken aged-care system.
Income of every working Australian should be levied to fix ‘neglected’ aged-care system, royal commission recommends.
Diana Scott, 76, is one of 100,000 Australians waiting for a higher level of homecare.
A split on recommendations by the aged care royal commissioners is ‘disappointing, but no excuse for delaying reform’.
The ALP says the aged-care royal commission report provides a “pathway forward” for reforming a sector “besieged by neglect”.
The aged care commissioners have sought to play down their differences in their final report, saying they may strengthen reform. Don’t buy that for a second.
The two-year royal commission’s final report lists 148 recommendations for change to a sector beset with difficulties over the last decade.
The aged-care final report makes contrasting recommendations for a new model that means higher taxes or greater-user pay contributions.
The quality of life of millions of Australians could hinge on a document now sitting with the Morrison government.
Aged-care workers say they can’t deliver the quality of care residents deserve because too few staff are rostered on at any time.
National Seniors Australia is calling on the Morrison government to immediately boost the number of homecare packages and roll out a training program.
Aged-care providers are urging the nation’s chief health officers to recommend making vaccinations mandatory for nursing home staff.
Nursing homes will have to address their culture and leadership before the ailing sector can improve, the Health Department says.
Annastacia Palaszczuk says the COVID-19 vaccine may have to be mandatory in high-risk industries.
Doctors and nurses administering the Pfizer vaccine should ‘carefully assess’ the merits of giving the jab to the frail elderly on a case-by-case basis.
Australia’s aged-care regulator looks to triple its on-site retirement home audits after being accused of failing to manage COVID-19 outbreaks.
Up to 40 per cent of nursing home residents in Australia are experiencing abuse, a rate that is among the highest in the world, a new study has revealed.
Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck says he wants to retain his portfolio ahead of the looming Morrison government cabinet reshuffle.
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