Team aims for vaccine soon
A vaccine against coronavirus could be ready as soon as September, the scientist leading an Oxford search says.
A vaccine against coronavirus could be ready as soon as September, the scientist leading an Oxford search says.
The Australian driving the global search for a COVID-19 vaccine warns the government needs a ‘plan B’ to end the pandemic.
Three astronauts have flown to the International Space Station, departing the virus-plagued planet with little fanfare.
Trials of potentially life-saving therapy for COVID-19 are expected to be fast-tracked by a global pharma alliance.
New data has made the government increasingly confident that it has broken the back of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Countries look to smartphone apps to plot virus hot spots.
Immunologist and Nobel laureate Peter Doherty says COVID-19 is just as deadly as the Spanish flu, and 20 times worse than seasonal flu. And it is far from contained.
Frontline health workers could be immunised against COVID-19 within weeks, using a technique developed a century ago.
A pair of fornicating flies and a cluster of spiders are among the remarkable trove of 6000 prehistoric fossils uncovered.
Medical workers have received doses of the BCG vaccine as part of a clinical trial, with the help of Sarah and Lachlan Murdoch.
The recovery of humpback whales and other wildlife has fundamentally changed the notion that we cannot save our oceans.
Australia’s science agency has begun the first stage of testing potential vaccines for COVID-19.
Trials by the CSIRO put Australia up front in the international chase to develop and implement a COVID-10 vaccine
Several countries have made face masks in public mandatory while others are reconsidering their stances.
Wombats are falling victim to sarcoptic mange, a deadly condition caused by flesh-eating mites that causes a slow death.
Japanese engineers working at Fukushima face a new hazard — radioactive sandbags so deadly that standing next to them for a few minutes could be fatal.
Medicare supported telehealth video and audio consultations with doctors are with us.
The coronavirus is mutating — as viruses do — and eight strains are now making the rounds globally.
Scientists have shared a basic understanding of how the coronavirus works, but there’s much to be learned.
A top authority on Islamic radicalisation, Shiraz Maher, has described his wild struggle with COVID-19.
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