Council backs down on gag bid
An extraordinary move to gag the popularly elected Ipswich mayor from speaking with the media has been put on hold as local councillors consider legal advice.
An extraordinary move to gag the popularly elected Ipswich mayor from speaking with the media has been put on hold as local councillors consider legal advice.
Labor’s goal of achieving a superannuation guarantee of 15 per cent was purely ‘aspirational’ and the party has ‘no plans’ to move on the policy enshrined in its national platform.
Maximum call waiting times for child support and other welfare have almost tripled since the Albanese government came to power, despite pouring $228m of taxpayers’ money to hire 3000 more staff.
An immediate statewide freeze on hormone therapy for new patients under 18 has been ordered in Queensland, after it was discovered a 12-year-old was allegedly given puberty blockers without parental consent.
A $10bn Greens cash splash to make public schools completely free is a ‘tone deaf contribution’ to the education policy debate.
Peter Dutton has claimed Australia’s relationship with China would be ‘much stronger’ should the opposition win the next election.
A group of eight Coalition MPs want the major banks to follow their US counterparts in pulling out of the UN-backed Net Zero Banking Alliance after Donald Trump’s election, saying membership risks hurting business competitiveness and access to finance.
How did this bizarre situation come to pass? How is it that a country so blessed with resources, including large reserves of natural gas, can achieve such a ridiculous and costly arrangement?
Jacqui Lambie is threatening to roll out a nationwide ad campaign mobilising voters’ support on veterans’ welfare, as she criticises Angus Campbell’s top diplomatic posting.
Anthony Albanese will shift his focus to Labor’s universal childcare vision amid plummeting support for his government, releasing data claiming families are $2768 better off on childcare.
Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka rejects claims that Pacific countries are being endangered by Australia’s ‘hypocritical’ expansion of gas and coal production.
Auschwitz’s last day, January 27, has become the day the world remembers all six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution.
In her first public comments since the upsurge in anti-Semitism that has swept university campuses, Julie Bishop expressed ‘absolute confidence’ in her vice-chancellor.
Ipswich mayor Teresa Harding has twice being popularly elected by her city, but now says her rivals are trying to gag her.
The Coalition’s new foreign affairs spokesman David Coleman has signalled a Dutton government would push for reforms of the UN amid criticisms of the body’s stance on Israel.
The Prime Minister’s self-confidence in his campaigning prowess and popularity remains high, despite Labor being on track to lose majority government and his personal appeal hitting new lows.
Immigration expert Abul Rizvi says Peter Dutton’s election pledge to slash the permanent migration program may limit the skilled worker intake and damage the budget bottom line.
Enforcement of right of entry permits by employers is generally associated with the militant CFMEU, but McDonald’s is forcing delegates to get ROE permits to talk to young workers.
While Anthony Albanese has avoided something that befell all his predecessors in the past three decades, he has suffered a seemingly inexorable decline in support.
With ambitions to win Peter Dutton’s Brisbane seat of Dickson, Climate 200-backed independent Ellie Smith said she would be open to forming a minority government with the Coalition.
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