Doctors deny secret strategy to free refugees
Doctors for Refugees says medical professionals would not automatically rubber-stamp the transfer of refugees from Nauru.
Doctors for Refugees says medical professionals would not automatically rubber-stamp the transfer of refugees from Nauru.
Two thirds of Australian adults are overweight or obese.
Labor governments in Queensland and Victoria have so far refused to sign an agreement put forward by Greg Hunt.
Pharmacies are being urged to ban homeopathic products, and not sell alternative medicines without clinical evidence.
Labor will fast-track its promised inquiry into private health insurance, calling for submissions before the federal election.
Almost two-thirds of daycare operators who had their subsidies cancelled are now moving into the NDIS and aged-care sectors.
Labor’s proposed cap on health insurance premium increases could advantage bigger funds and younger members.
Australians live a long life and are more likely than most to consider themselves healthy, finds a new analysis.
A heavy police presence at music festivals and the use of drug-detection dogs is contributing to fans swallowing multiple pills.
The rate of ADHD drugs being given to children and teenagers increased by 30 per cent over four years.
A federal government shake-up will ensure more money is provided under the NDIS for those with complex needs.
A lingering public hospital dispute may not be resolved at the Council of Australian Governments meeting this week.
Thousands of foreign students and medical graduates will be protected from a federal plan to cut overseas-trained doctors.
Health fund members are being promised the lowest average premium rise in almost two decades.
The long wait for certain surgeries in public hospitals is being used to justify them moving into top-level insurance policies.
A coroner has made no recommendations after an investigation into the deaths of two stroke patients in Royal Adelaide Hospital.
The government will begin accepting applications for a $240m program it describes as an ‘Australian first’ for medical research.
Waiting times for elective surgery in public hospitals are increasing at a rate of two days a year.
A review into the management of a public-private partnership for the Royal Adelaide Hospital has exposed several disputes.
A landmark bid to curtail the use of overseas-trained doctors has been expanded to include hospitals.
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