

Dr David Molloy , fertility expert

Super for IVF, but with a catch

Couples will still be granted early access to retirement savings to pay for IVF — but only if they have a diagnosed mental illness.

Senior woman holding two pills, close-up of hand, Closeup of a senior man being given a life saving pill, Patient, Senior Adult, Medicine, Taking Medicine, Adult, Adults Only, Background, Bed, Blur, Care, Citizen, Close-Up, Colour Image, Drinking Water, Focus, Grandfather, Healthcare And Medicine, Holding, Horizontal, Human Age, Human Hand, Illness, Lifestyles, Males, Mature Adult, Men, People, Photography, Pill, Portrait, Prescription Medicine, Retirement, Room, Saving, Serene People, Sleeping, Sleeping Pill, Smiling, The Ageing Process, Treatment, Water, thinkstock, istock, generic

Medicines bill set to jump

Analysts say the nation’s medicines bill is likely to spike because of lifestyle-related diseases, reaching up to $15.8bn a year.

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