

‘At last a glimmer of common sense. Out from the doona, off with the ugg boots’

Scent of victory: A million New South Welshpeople kicking off their ugg boots was too much for the Premier. Picture: Pool/Getty Images
Scent of victory: A million New South Welshpeople kicking off their ugg boots was too much for the Premier. Picture: Pool/Getty Images

Gladys Berejiklian overruled NSW health officials to insist 70pc of the populace being double-jabbed was the appropriate point at which to throw back the curtains and begin staggering out of lockdown. Robert Gottliebsen considered the implications of AstraZeneca co-creator Professor Sarah Gilbert’s chilling warning that delta would reach everybody who was unvaccinated. And Mirko Bargaric suggested that as Melbourne stands poised to overtake Buenos Aires as the city with the longest lockdown, the ‘people will die’ defence against opening up no longer holds water. 1961russb was ready to re-emerge:

“At last a glimmer of common sense. Out from the doona, off with the ugg boots and back to work.”

Praise from MJR:

“Gladys is doing her job, she is the Premier of the state, she needs to consider everything that impacts the state. The role of the government is to lead and make decisions for the greater good, and that does not mean having a single minded focus on one particular contagious but relatively mild disease at the expense of everything else in society. Of course the health bureaucrats advice is going to be basically ‘lock everything down, nobody moves until 100pc are vaccinated, and cases are at 0’, because they don’t need to consider anything else, and there is little upside for them in recommending anything less than the most extreme measures. The time for unquestioningly following ‘health advice’ is over, we can’t accept shutting down our society indefinitely. Spring is here and the hibernation is over.”

Ronald said:

“How I wish Gladys was here in Vic as premier. She did the right thing by the people of NSW. The health folks would want to wrap us all in cotton wool so their work-lives can be easier. Life is a risk. We must take responsibility for our choices. Get vaccinated and stop protecting those recalcitrants and anti-vaxxers at the expense of the test of us. Go Gladys!”

Ian was resigned:

“Melburnians voted for this, twice and will again in 2022.”

Annette disagreed:

“No we won’t. After being locked down for the most part of 18 months, the damage this government has caused will not be rewarded.”

Simon was surprised:

“Now here’s one for the books … a Premier taking health advice into consideration along with other very weighty factors and making her own decisions in the best interests of the citizenry. That’s actually leadership and responsibility. Congratulations!”

Baneof noted:

“If I followed my doctors’ advice I would live on a diet of lettuce and brown rice, exercise for two hours every day and not touch alcohol. However I choose to do otherwise and live pretty happily. I’m overjoyed that Gladys does the same!”

Charles J concurred:

“Yet more pragmatism and common-sense from the NSW Premier.”

John B did not:

“Yet more politics and ignoring medical advice from Gladys.”

Lynne H. reckoned:

“Australia should feel a great deal of gratitude for the bravery of Gladys in respect to getting us back to normal. As it is said, fortune favours the brave and NSW is leading the country back to economic recovery.”

KG was optimistic:

“It’s a smart move because by that date people will have hit 80pc anyway now they know vaccination is their ticket to freedom. When you give people hope they will do what is best for them.

“WA and QLD are happy to live without the lockdowns for the moment but when the virus comes, and it will, the poor leadership will be shown. McGowan and AP will wish they had spent more time getting hospital problems fixed and pushing vaccination instead of playing power mad premiers.”

David’s assessment:

“The Premier has correctly considered the advice and assessed the other factors and made the call on the best way forward. That’s what leaders are supposed to do. Contrast this approach to ‘leaders’ south and north who have hid behind their officials (and been prepared to throw them under the bus when necessary).”

Paul pointed out:

“Andrews is going to be under enormous pressure now to do the same thing given a) they have less than 20pc of NSW cases and b) Melbourne is about to take the most locked down city in the world prize in a few days.”

Peter cried freedom:

“There is nothing to stop any individual deciding to lock themselves down, self isolate, wear a mask for the rest of their lives and never travel. There shouldn’t be any restrictions at all – I can make my own risk assessment as to my behaviour. I’m in good health and fully vaccinated. I’m happy to take my chances and lead a full life. Others don’t have to follow my example.”

Robert cautioned:

“That is true. But if we open up before high full vaccination rate is achieved, hospitals will be over capacity and we have to be prepared to look after ourselves because it will become impossible to get emergency hospital care. This is what people are not realising.”

It rubbed Gravel Rash the wrong way:

“Name on single time health officials got anything right. Also enjoyed Gladys’ speech on how repulsive she finds anyone that questions the jab … nice from the LNP, not even the Greens are that discriminatory.”

Brett said:

“Just open up when at 70pc with zero restrictions. No restrictions on vaccinated or unvaccinated, we don’t need communist style passports. Everyone needs to take personal responsibility for their own health. Also spare the BS about the vaccinated being at risk from the unvaccinated as that is rubbish. Anyone who is still too scared can remain at home under the doona. The tiny few who feel they are at high risk can isolate until the virus is diminished. Let’s get back to the pandemic plan that was in place in 2019.”

Glenn’s appeal:

“I certainly commend Gladys for her courage in the face of interstate criticism and jealousy.

However the ultimate success of this positive move may well rest on all communities (particularly the unvaccinated) sticking to the rules and restrictions that will still apply.

Once again, Gladys is placing her faith in the people, let’s all support her initiative.”

About-face: Delta put paid to Daniel Andrews’ commitment to Covid Zero. Picture: NCA NewsWire
About-face: Delta put paid to Daniel Andrews’ commitment to Covid Zero. Picture: NCA NewsWire

DavidL said:

“Gladys is simply acting and proceeding on the basis of the agreed plan devised by the so-called National Cabinet. Unfortunately, ALL of the other Premiers immediately disregarded that agreed plan as soon as the meeting ended.”

Anna’s epistle to the unjabbed:

“1. Vaccinated have a reduced chance of getting it

2. Vaccinated people have a reduced chance of transmitting it and if they do, the viral load is lower

3. Vaccinated people have reduced likelihood of serious illness, complications and death

4. Vaccinated people don’t necessarily want to spend 2 weeks in quarantine every time they’re exposed to it at a Tier 1 site because 19 per cent of the adult population are stupid, selfish and hoping others take the jab for the team. Additionally, because vaccinated people might be asymptomatic carriers and cared enough to be vaccinated, they probably don’t want to unknowingly pass it on to some idiot who didn’t get vaccinated and might end up dead from it, leaving his/her family to cope without them.

*allowing 1pc for those who genuinely should not take the vaccine.

5. Just grow the heck up, accept that you’re lucky your parents prevented you dying of diphtheria, typhoid, tetanus, polio and every other vaccine-preventable disease to be around and have a ‘choice’ about this one. Did you know the contents and inner workings of the ibuprofen, beer, Twisties or 20 other things you put in your body last week?”

Anoush said:

“When the govt imposes $5,000 fines if you breach their orders of course people are going to ‘obey’. Not many people can write out a cheque for $5,000 and not feel the impact of such an amount.

“The only pleasing thing in Victoria is that the Premier has done an about turn, he has changed his narrative and is even supporting the PM’s position. Clearly he cannot stand the fact that the NSW Premier is now being praised for her positive approach & the mechanisms she is putting in place to open up NSW, and she is also leading the way with her strong vaccination numbers.

“As Mr Andrews sees himself as the ‘king’ of the Australian premiers he is desperate to be seen in the same light as the NSW Premier & follow her model. Hopefully, come the end of the month he will actually follow through with some meaningful easing of restrictions.

“Surely, if you can mix in a supermarket with 100 strangers at any one time, you can have a few family members or friends over to your home. That easing in itself would make a huge difference to how the society is feeling and will help people cope with their mental health issues.”

Going ballistic: China’s wolf warriors speak loudly and carry a big missile.
Going ballistic: China’s wolf warriors speak loudly and carry a big missile.

Forget Covid, wrote Peta Credlin: the drums are beating and the real challenge is the great strategic danger we are heading towards as a nation posed by China and our reliance on the US to protect us. Bang on, said Geoffrey:

“You are right on the money Peta, keep the pressure on, we have to be prepared to use the latest technology in significant numbers to be a real deterrent to any aggressor, we cannot just gave a token defence force and continue to depend on the USA. The Reserve forces must be massively expanded and equipped with identical equipment to the Regular forces, this will require significant increase in pay to attract people.”

Give peace a chance, said Marc:

“What is possibly to be gained by Australia doubling down on warmongering and retro pseudo Cold War talk that does not reflect the reality of the Asia Pacific of the 21st century? (there are no two clear divided nation groups). We are only to be seen as a US puppet and an increasingly divisive and militaristic force in the (outer) region, and over time this will compromise our relations with many nations, not just China.

“The US will not fight a major war with China over Taiwan, Lee Kwan Yu said so 10 years ago and he will be proven correct – just as he predicted most developments with China of past decade with a startling clarity that no Australian politician of the time or since possessed.

“The sad reality for our keyboard warriors is that there is no neat little TV war like an Iraq 2.0 that can be sold to an unwitting Australian public, this is a totally different and unprecedented scenario for us.

“To quote Lincoln,

The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”

Rod reckoned:

“Australia sleepwalked its way into this mess. Apathy, greed, a fixation with trivia and a complete disconnect on how to deal with climate change and energy simultaneously are among the causes. At the same time the Government blows in the populist wind hoping to please everyone and thus achieves very little. It seems that we are more interested with equity (not equality), diversity (not unity) and turning women into a gender neutral amalgam than achieving anything of any real consequence.”

Simple, said Michael:

“Australia needs to go nuclear. Nuclear energy to have reliable, low-emissions power. And nuclear weapons to be credibly capable of inflicting massive damage on a potential superpower aggressor.”

Gavin’s view:

“The communist leadership in the PRC must be pleased with how the useful idiots in this country are slowly but inexorably breaking down our social cohesion and advancing all things woke to the detriment of common sense.”

Chill out, said John:

“This constant yammering on about war with China is just so myopic.m Firstly, our conventional forces would get beaten quickly if we ventured into their patch. Secondly, if they sent their conventional forces here, which they won’t, we’d get beaten quickly.

“Thirdly, if we acquire a whole lot of really super duper missiles that can hit them from here, we’d attract their attention and they’d take us out as a hygiene measure in any big conflict.

“Media people are curiously keen to write about how other people should go and wage war against each other, while they of course stay cosy in their plummy cloisters debating what they think are important things. So maybe just stop all the war talk and let’s get on with becoming a regional trading, innovation and raw materials beneficiation powerhouse.

We have a lot of ground to make up.”

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