
Former 2GB host Alan Jones denies accusations of indecent assault

Former 2GB host Alan Jones has been accused of indecently assaulting four men, allegations he has strongly denied.

Alan Jones denies allegations of indecent assault

Nine Radio’s top broadcaster Ray Hadley said he cut contact with former colleague Alan Jones after being told by one of Jones’s alleged victims that he experienced unwanted sexual advances by the former radio host.

Jones, who worked at 2GB alongside Hadley until 2020, has denied accusations of indecently assaulting multiple young men and threatened legal action against The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age following an investigation by the newspapers published on Thursday.

Bradley Webster – an alias he used – previously worked at 2GB with Jones and confided in Hadley in an “emotional conversation” about claims of unwanted sexual advances by Jones.

“I sat silently as he went through the allegations documented in today’s story, uninterrupted only by his tears as he tried to compose himself,” Hadley told listeners as he revealed a conversation he had with Webster some time ago.

“It was a very emotional conversation for both of us. The behaviour he was alleging was unwanted sexual advances from a person in a position of power, that being his boss Alan Jones … Bradley described in acute detail what he alleged had occurred.

“He told me by sharing this story that it was the first time he felt unburdened. He told me that morning he was grateful for me listening and I was grateful he trusted me.”

Ray Hadley has say on Alan Jones accusations

Jones’ legal team at Mark O’Brien Legal had vehemently denied the claims in Nine Entertainment newspapers – the company also owns 2GB – and said: “Our client denies ever having indecently assaulted the persons referred to in your letter, and your suggestion that he has is scandalous, grossly offensive and seriously defamatory of him.”

Later on Thursday Jones’ legal team said he was taking legal action.

“The allegations against Alan Jones by Kate McClymont published today in the Nine newspapers are demonstrably false,” the statement said.

“In the short time available since publication we have obtained substantial factual information which contradicts and refutes the alleged pattern of conduct by Mr Jones.

“We have retained Senior Counsel and have instructions to immediately serve a concerns notice under Section 12A of the Defamation Act as the first step in the commencement of defamation proceedings.”

Ray Hadley and Alan Jones.
Ray Hadley and Alan Jones.

Hadley said his professional relationship with Jones dated back 30 years and was an “unusual one.”

“We’ve had many battles and some good times but from the day I spoke to Bradley our relationship was basically severed given that it had already been strained over other matters not relating to the allegations made by Bradley,” he said on his 2GB mornings program on Thursday.

“I regard this man not as an attention seeker or someone who seeks notoriety – but rather directly the opposite.”

Jones, the former speechwriter for prime minister Malcolm Fraser, has been accused of using his position of power to “prey” on young men, allegedly inappropriately touching them without their consent.

The allegations of indecent assault have been made by four people, including Webster, former businessman Alexander Hartman prior to his death, Queenslander Marcus Schmidt, and Odin Childs, who claims he was touched as a 22-year-old waiter at a restaurant in Kiama.

In the years before his death, Mr Hartman made allegations to four separate journalists about Jones, saying: “I would like justice done before he dies.

“I was his prey … I know I am not the only one and this will come out somehow.

“He forces himself on young men and uses his power in a predatory way.”

The Australian contacted Jones but he declined to comment on record.

Nine Radio boss Tom Malone addressed the allegations in an email to Nine Radio’s staff and said the story published may be “distressing”.

The station offered support to staff.

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