De facto student cap would be ‘illegal’
A former Immigration Department deputy executive made the claim as the government vowed to manage numbers ‘in a fairer way’ after the Coalition blocked its controversial student caps legislation.
A former Immigration Department deputy executive made the claim as the government vowed to manage numbers ‘in a fairer way’ after the Coalition blocked its controversial student caps legislation.
An new advisor of Catholic Identity and Mission at the university disagreed that the university was ‘ambivalent about its Catholic identity’ following a series of public controversies.
Education Minister Jason Clare has axed a ministerial direction that prioritises student visa applications from ‘low risk’ institutions.
A body thought to be that of Jai-Bao ‘Rex’ Chen was found 10 metres from where police discovered his wife’s body just over a week ago in a Sydney park.
Cyber-bullying skyrockets in the last decade as the Queensland government vows to develop an ‘anti-bullying plan’.
Members of Australia’s Jewish community have gathered at a rally in Sydney, warning the federal government that ‘time’s up’ following an escalation of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attacks.
Jewish groups have accused the government of delaying and denying visa applications by Israelis by demanding extensive details of military service.
The Shaping Australia Awards recognise academics for transforming Australian lives for the better.
The embattled restaurant founder escaped conviction for holding a hand-drawn sign with a swastika on an Israeli flag at a pro-Palestine rally.
Syrian-Australian community leader Mohammed Al-Hamwi says he will return to Syria for the first time in 40 years following the collapse of the Assad regime.
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